Hello, I'm kind of a newb at doing pull requests, so I'll just state the issue here: The Date transform needs the following change on `line 26`: ``` return new...
This may be a newb question, but I am wondering how `ParseUser.signup` is intended to be used? Here I am creating a user if none exists for testing: // app/models/parse-user.js...
This issue is informational for anyone who has problems on Monterey 12.2.1. When I first upgraded to Monterey, connecting my Presonus Firestudio was freezing my system when it was plugged...
I cannot get sourcemaps to compile. compassMultiple: { options : { environment: 'development', outputStyle: 'nested', importPath: './magento/skin/frontend/rwd/default/scss/', relativeAssets: true, cacheDir: skinDir + 'scss/.sass-cache/', sourcemap: true, time: true }, common :...
I have only been able to get grunt-compass-multiple to work if I supply the sassDir and cssDir options in compassMultiple.common.options, and not in compassMultiple.options. Not sure which of these you...