vim-reveal icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vim-reveal copied to clipboard

vim plugin that use markdown and reveal.js to generate presentations.


vim plugin that use markdown and reveal.js to generate presentations.


  • Whatever the package managing plugin you are using.
  • Download or clone reveal.js somewhere.
  • Configuration

Vim configuration

let g:reveal_root_path = 'your-reveal.js-path' " '$HOME/reveal.js/' will be used if not specified.
let g:reveal_config = {
    \'filename': 'reveal',                       " The name of generated html file will be 'reveal.html'
    \'key1': 'value1',
    \'key2': 'value2',
    \ ...}                                     " Default options for reveal.js.

If no filename is given, the given title will be ascii-fied and used as filename. That's nicer than setting a global option.


Besides default markdown syntax, you need something else to specify the sections each of which will take care of a single page in the final presentation. And you need something to customize the reveal.js options.

<!--Meta key1:value1 key2:value2 [...]--> // Options,these lines should be in the head of the file.

// The start of a markdown section.
<!--sec 1-->
// Secp means plain html section.In other words,markdown syntax is ignored(mainly for [MathJax](
<!--secp 2.1-->
// The number after the decimal point means that this is a nested section.
<!--sec 2.2-->
// Section options.'bg' : 'background', 'tr' : 'transition', 'bgtr' : 'background-transition', 'bgrp' : 'background-repeat', 'bgsz' : 'background-size'.
<!--sec 3 bg='#123' tr='cube' bgtr='linear'-->

Generate the html file

Use the :RevealIt command to generate the html file.

It accepts several options:

  • :RevealIt default open generated file (same as :RevealIt)
  • :RevealIt new open generated file in new window
  • :RevealIt md stay in markdown file