RStoolbox copied to clipboard
MTL file error
I am trying to do some atmospheric corrections on Landsat 8 data in Rstudio. Following previous code that I have seen I have run this so far.
install.packages("raster") install.packages("rgdal") install.packages("ggplot2") install.packages("devtools") install.packages("sf")
Define the multiple mutiple packages in a vector
PkgToLoad <- c("raster", "rgdal", "ggplot2", "devtools", "sf")
Load the packages
lapply(PkgToLoad, library, character.only = TRUE)
The package 'devtools' is important in order to be able to import packages directly from the Github repository
Had to update all packages before this code would work
#perform the radiometric correction #Import meta-data and bands based on MTL file
readMeta("C:/Users/Allyson/University of Texas at El Paso/Microsoft forest SD project - General/ABP/PR_Trial/PuertoRicoL8USGS/LC08_L2SP_005047_20180616_20200831_02_T1_MTL.txt") #sep = '=', stringsAsFactors = F package = "RStoolbox")
-when I try to read the MTL file I get this error
Error in .rowNamesDF<-
(x, value = value) :
duplicate 'row.names' are not allowed
In addition: Warning message:
non-unique value when setting 'row.names': ‘QA_NA’
I attached the MTL text file. Can anyone give me input on how I can fix this?
Try raw=TRUE, so it will read all info. x <- readMeta("LC08_L2SP_005047_20180616_20200831_02_T1_MTL.txt",raw = TRUE)
looks like readMeta() has no LEVEL2 product included when you go default with raw=FALSE: lines 81-84:
prodid <- .getParFromAnyGroup("LANDSAT_PRODUCT_ID", "LEVEL1")
level <- .getParFromAnyGroup("PROCESSING_LEVEL", "LEVEL1")
colNum <- .getParFromAnyGroup("COLLECTION_NUMBER", "LEVEL1")
colTier <- .getParFromAnyGroup("COLLECTION_CATEGORY", "LEVEL1")
Then problem in line 100
bands <- regmatches(files, regexpr("(?<=[\\dQA]_)[^_]*(?=\\.TIF)|B6_VCID.*(?=\\.TIF)", files, perl = TRUE))
finds only:
while changing to:
bands <- regmatches(files, regexpr("(?<=[\\dQA_])[^_]*(?=\\.TIF)|B6_VCID.*(?=\\.TIF)", files, perl = TRUE))
[1] "B1" "B2" "B3" "B4" "B5" "B6" "B7" "B10" "TRAD" "URAD" "DRAD" "ATRAN" "EMIS" "EMSD" "CDIST" "AEROSOL" "QA" "PIXEL" "RADSAT"
Next thing, In level 2, there is no ANGLE tifs, so the MTL's PRODUCT_CONTENTS is different than those in the test folder. So, line 104 returns all FALSE obviously.
@bleutner including LEVEL 2 would be great!:)
Btw. Landsat L2 SP is already atmospherically corrected (
I also had a similar issue when using Landsat 9 data, as it is only distributed as a level 2 product