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⚡ Guide: How to setup LND with PostgreSQL DB

⚡ Guide: How to setup LND with PostgreSQL

📄 Prelude and Objective

A short guide on how to setup and configure a new lightning node using LND with recently released PostgreSQL support as database backend. The approach was done by creating a new lightning node. To date, backend data migrations are still being developed. A brief write-up for PostgreSQL support was released by Lightning Labs here: postgres.md. Nevertheless it lacks important parts which this guide wants to cover step by step.

📜 Table of Content

  • Preconditions
  • Install and setup PostgreSQL
  • Configure LND
  • Upgrade PostgreSQL
  • Addendum

🔎 Preconditions

The guide is based on the following setup and components. It may be different for Umbrel / Raspiblitz / MyNode installations as it was established on a bolt / bare metal setup running Ubuntu.

  • OS: Ubuntu 22.04
  • Setup: bare metal / bolt setup
  • Lightning Implementation: lnd-0.14.3-beta +
  • Database Backend: PostgreSQL 14.2 or latest version in ubuntu's repository
  • node state: new node without funds and channels (⚠)

It's important to emphasize that this setup is built as a new lightning node without existing funds or channels. As said, data migrations between different backends (bbolt, postgres, etcd) are not yet supported (as of v0.14.3).

🛠 Install and setup PostgreSQL

Installation process of LND is omitted in this guide as this is widely described on the internet. So I assume a valid installation here and continue to setup the backend:

# Install postgresql-14 
$ sudo apt install postgresql-14

# Configure postgresql to your needs (port, datadir, logging, etc.) or use default values.
$ sudo nano /etc/postgresql/14/main/postgresql.conf

# Setup postgres user
$ sudo -i -u postgres
$ psql

postgres=# \password
# Enter password and take note of it!

# Quit PSQL

Create user and database for LND:

# As postgres user
$ sudo -i -u postgres

# Create user 'lnd' and set a password
$ createuser --createdb --pwprompt lnd
# Enter password and take note of it!

# Create database 'lndb' 
$ createdb -O lnd lndb

# Exit user postgres
$ exit

🛠 Configure LND

Configure your lnd.conf:

$ sudo nano /home/lnd/.lnd/lnd.conf

Edit and add your postgresql config and credentials, like so: postgresql://<user>:<pw>@<ip>:<port>/<db>


db.postgres.dsn=postgresql://lnd:[email protected]:5432/lndb?sslmode=disable

Add postgres as a requirement to LND's systemd service:

[email protected] bitcoind.service
[email protected] bitcoind.service

If everything went fine, you can see this in the lnd.log:

[INF] LTND: Opening the main database, this might take a few minutes...
[INF] LTND: Using remote postgres database! Creating graph and channel state DB instances

♻ Upgrade PostgreSQL

Upgrading PostgreSQL should be easy using Postgres' own tool pg_upgrade. Install and setup next version in parallel. Upgrade to new datadir, dry-run before doing the command (--check = dry-run) from v13 to v14:

/usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin/pg_upgrade \
  --old-datadir=/var/lib/postgresql/13/main \
  --new-datadir=/var/lib/postgresql/14/main \
  --old-bindir=/usr/lib/postgresql/13/bin \
  --new-bindir=/usr/lib/postgresql/14/bin \
  --old-options '-c config_file=/etc/postgresql/13/main/postgresql.conf' \
  --new-options '-c config_file=/etc/postgresql/14/main/postgresql.conf' \

For more details on this topic, see link in addendum part below.

✴ Addendum