SlackMrkdwn icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
SlackMrkdwn copied to clipboard

Converts markdown to Slack's internal format 'mrkdwn'


Build Status Gem Version

Converts markdown to Slack's message format 'mrkdwn' (See Slack API docs:


Add the gem to your gemfile: gem 'slack_mrkdwn', then run bundle install.

Or install the gem by running: gem install slack_mrkdwn.


require 'slack_mrkdwn'

slack_formatted_text = SlackMrkdwn.from('My markdown formatted text')

Note: Requires Ruby version above or equal to v1.9.2 (because it uses Redcarpet to render Markdown).

What is being converted?

It will first encode Slack's restricted characters to HTML entities (<, > and &). Then it will convert:

  • Italics emphasis
  • Strong emphasis
  • Strike-through
  • Headings (to bold text)
  • Codeblocks
  • Single line codeblocks
  • Blockquotes
  • Unordered lists
  • Ordered lists
  • Images
  • Links (Classic-style and reference-style)

It will also strip any trailing whitespace once it's done the conversion.



To run the test suite, execute:

rake test

Integration tests

The test runner reads integration test fixtures from the spec/fixtures directory. To add a new integration test fixture:

  • Add the markdown formatted text content in the spec/fixtures/source directory
  • Add a corresponding expectation fixture in the spec/fixtures/expectation directory

The expectation fixture should have the same name as the source fixture and end with _expectation.

The test runner supports a nested file structure for the fixture directories. For example, adding the source fixture spec/fixtures/source/my_org_name/integration_fixture, would test it against the expectation fixture found in spec/fixtures/expectation/my_org_name/integration_fixture_expecation.

Source fixtures that do not have a corresponding expectation fixture will log a test failure.



  • Bumped RedCarpet version due to security vulnerability in version <3.5.1


  • Fixed paragraph and list spacing
  • Added better integration test support


  • Added list support


  • Now using Redcarpet markdown renderer to convert text.