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C/Python library to work with spherical harmonics up to almost arbitrarily high degrees

============ Introduction

CHarm is a C library to work with spherical harmonics up to almost arbitrarily high degrees. The library is accompanied by a Python wrapper called PyHarm.


  • Supports real-valued fully-normalized surface and solid spherical harmonics (the geodetic norm).

  • Performs FFT-based surface spherical harmonic analysis and solid spherical harmonic synthesis with minimized memory requirements.

  • Stable up to high degrees and orders (tens of thousands and beyond).

  • Available in single, double and quadruple precision.

  • Supports point and mean data values (both analysis and synthesis).

  • Supports synthesis at grids and at scattered points/cells. Grid-wise computations are done by FFT whenever possible. If FFT cannot be applied, the less efficient Chebyshev recurrences are used along the latitude parallels instead.

  • Computes the full first- and second-order gradients at evaluation points (e.g., the gravitational vector and the gravitational tensor).

  • Supports the Gauss--Legendre and Driscoll--Healy quadratures.

  • Integrates solid spherical harmonic expansions (e.g., of the gravitational potential) on band-limited irregular surfaces (e.g., on the Earth's surface). [#f1]_

  • Computes Fourier coefficients of fully-normalized associated Legendre functions of the first kind up to ultra-high harmonic degrees.

  • Supports OpenMP <>_ parallelization for shared-memory architectures.

  • Supports AVX, AVX2 and AVX-512 SIMD CPU instructions to improve the performance.

  • Performs discrete FFT by FFTW <>_.

  • Ships with a Python wrapper to enable high-level programming while retaining the efficiency of the C language. The wrapper, called PyHarm, wraps CHarm using ctypes <>_ and is fully integrated with numpy <>_.

.. [#f1] This routine is unique to CHarm.

.. _download:

Source code

GitHub: <>_

  • Releases are pushed to master and the development happens in develop.

  • Tarball and zip files of releases: <>_


The documentation of the latest version from the master branch is available at <>_.

A pre-compiled HTML documentation is also available in docs/build/html.
Alternatively, it can be built by executing make html after the configure call (requires doxygen and Python modules sphinx, sphinx_book_theme and breathe). Other formats of the documentation, for instance, a PDF file, can be built with cd docs && make latexpdf, etc.
To list all available formats, execute cd docs && make help.

.. _contact:


Should you have any comments, questions, bug report or criticism, please feel free to contact the author, Blažej Bucha, at [email protected]. Further products developed by the author can be found at <>_.

Other spherical-harmonic-based libraries

Many other libraries for working with spherical harmonics are available, each having its pros and cons. Explore! A few examples are:

  • SHTOOLS <>_: Fortran95 library with Python API,

  • SHTns <>_: a C library for spherical harmonic transforms,

  • ISPACK <>_: a Fortran library for spherical harmonic transforms,

  • Libsharp <>_: a C99 library for spherical harmonic transforms,

  • healpy <>: a Python package to handle pixelated data on the sphere building on the HEALPix <> C++ library,

  • HARMONIC_SYNTH <>_: a Fortran code for spherical harmonic synthesis written by the EGM2008 development team.

  • SPHEREPACK <>_: a Fortran library of spherical harmonic transforms,

  • SHAVEL <>_: a program for the spherical harmonic analysis of a horizontal vector field sampled in an equiangular grid on a sphere

  • ICGEM <>_: Online calculation service for working with Earth and celestial gravitational models,

  • FaVeST <>_: Fast Vector Spherical Harmonic Transforms in MATLAB.

  • SHBundle <>_: Spherical harmonic analysis and synthesis in MATLAB up to high degrees and orders,

  • Spherical Harmonics Manipulator <>_: Spherical harmonic synthesis in sparse points and grids (no longer maintained),

  • GrafLab <>_ and isGrafLab <>_: MATLAB-based software packages for spherical harmonic synthesis of gravity field functionals up to high degrees and orders (tens of thousands and well beyond).