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Simple string literal is not equal to typed literal with type xsd:string
First, I insert 2 triples to Blazegraph 2.1.5:
PREFIX xsd: <>
insert data {
<http://s> <http://untyped> 'abc' .
<http://s> <http://typed> 'abc'^^xsd:string .
Their object has the same value, but in the first triple it's simple (untyped) and in the second it is explicitly typed as xsd:string
Then, the following query only finds the first triple:
select * where { ?s ?p 'abc' }
And the following query only finds the second triple:
PREFIX xsd: <>
select * where { ?s ?p 'abc'^^xsd:string }
So Blazegraph distinguishes between 'abc' and 'abc'^^xsd:string. But the SPARQL Specification 1.1 (Section 3.3 Literals) says the following:
Simple literals are syntactic sugar for abstract syntax literals with the datatype IRI
So either Blazegraph violates SPARQL 1.1, or it does not support SPARQL 1.1, or I misinterpret the specification.
Could you please help me figure out what is the correct answer? :)
Some context
I think that 2.1.5 is RDF 1.0. You need to use branch if you need RDF 1.1 (
I think that 2.1.5 is RDF 1.0. You need to use branch if you need RDF 1.1 (#57 (comment)).
Thank you @aindlq ! In 2.2.0 RC it really works without explicit type denotation, like in Fuseki. But it's a bit scary to use a non-released RC in production environment...