Ute_WRF copied to clipboard
WRF modifications, python functions, plotting scripts
THIS CODE IS SO OLD...best to scavange for parts.
Mostly for post processing WRF output data. Python codes that I've created at the University of Utah Mountain Meteorology Group. For more info about running WRF see http://home.chpc.utah.edu/~u0553130/Brian_Blaylock/wrf.html
cross_section_*.py...............plot a cross section through the model domain (wrfout or auxhist files)
plot_*.py........................plot a 2D map view of data at the surface or a model level
tslist_*.py......................plot data from a ts file or vertical profile output
"functions" folder includes functions dealing with various needs for processing WRF data. Note: some of these have been renamed since I wrote my other plotting scripts.
custom_domains.py................dictionary of predefined subdomain lat/lon for plotting basemap
landuse_colormap.py..............colormap for WRF landuse categories: MODIS20, MODIS21, NLCD, USGS
terrain_colormap.py..............colormap for terrain. Set lake mask to low number for blue water
read_tslist.py...................read data in the tslist file which includes station name, lat, lon
get_ts_data.py...................loads station header, time series file, vertical profile variables
trim_map.py......................trims wrf data. Useful if you have a large domain and only want a section
wind_calcs.py....................convert from UV components to speed and direction, vice versa, etc.
staggered_to_mass.py.............converts U and V variables on a staggered grid to the mass point value.
"modifications" folder includes modificaitons to WRF code.
Initialize WRF with HRRR analyses (custom WPS tables):
METGRID.TBL.HRRR.bkb...........................Metgrid Table for HRRR analyses
Vtable.HRRR.bkb................................Vtable for HRRR analyses grib2 files
Initialize and set continuous passive tracer:
Registry.EM.bkb.tracer.........................Set new tracer variable in registry
module_initialize_real.F.bkb.tracer............Initialize a passive tracer (code snippit)
solve_em.bkb.tracer............................Create continuous tracer emit every timestep (code snippit)
Modify Great Salt Lake tempertaure:
module_initialize_real.F.bkb.LakeTemp..........Change Great Salt Lake temperature (code snippit)
Modify Great Salt Lake Area in MODIS landuse category (do this in WPS geo.em files):
shrink_GSL.py..................................Python script for changing lake area
"other" folder includes miscellaneous WRF code.
tslist.bkb...............................tslist file for defining locations for WRF output at model time step
untar_hrrr_files.csh.....................untar HRRR analyses from Horel Group archive