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[Bug] USBFS in Tinfoil no longer works after most recent update
Describe the bug Unable to browse USBFS in Tinfoil
To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behaviour: Connect USB and click USBFS in file browser
Actual behaviour Tinfoil Freezes
Expected behaviour To browse PC files
NUT version (or git hash):
- Nut: 3.3 or 2.6
Additional context This worked before before the last update a few days ago on Tinfoil
I can definitely confirm is a bug having the same issue to no avail on fixing it force closing tinfoil then results in this error.
usb exception: [Errno None] b'libusb0-dll:err [_usb_reap_async] reaping request failed, win error: A device attached to the system is not functioning.\r\n\n'
tested on 2 different switches, different ATMOS firmware version same outcome.
Can either of you try from source (the latest master)?
No go, still frozen within Tinfoil.
Try an older Tinfoil
Same problem here with the latest version.
EDIT: I always used usbfs: to install my nsz and xcz files... But I found out I can use usb: instead of usbfs: in File Browser menu and I can see and install my nsz files. I Guess everything works, just not like I was used to.
Also using the XCI menu I can see and install my .xcz files (but this get files from FTP locations on the same server as nut). That is slower via FTP, it used to work by usbfs:...
Howdy all,
Tinfoil 12.0 is working just fine for me. 😁👍👍 Tinfoil Version 12.0
Closed since it works in Tinfoil 12.0 per
Why would you close this for working on 12.0, when 13 is out? I'm on 13 and this same thing happens.
I love how I opened a similar issue and never received any acknowledgement, comes a random person to state it works on 12 boom it's fixed let's close the issue? Not trying to be rude or anything but we are all on FW - 13 anyway, enough of that I guess. Anyone that is tired of dealing with this issue their is a better installer is called DBi aka Duckbill Installer look it up never coming back to tinfoil after using it is alot more convenient specially since it works as a file manager style, PS make sure to read the instructions they are pretty helpful I utilizing it.
Why would you close this for working on 12.0, when 13 is out? I'm on 13 and this same thing happens.
Instead of complaining, just downgrade Tinfoil to version 12.0 Tinfoil Version 12.0 you're welcome..!!! lol 😂
This section is for reporting bugs. "Downgrading" doesn't fix the bug, and that answer would get you fired from ANY software engineering job. Grow the hell up.
alright alright... calm down lol 😂😂😂
alright alright... calm down lol 😂😂😂
When you consider telling someone to downgrade instead of fixing a 2 month old bug I'd understand why he is pissed, downgrading is just a beat around the bush alternative I know u are not the dev.
But truly kinda useless to report bugs on here if they aren't acknowledged, once again not being a pain I know this is something off someone's time but at least let someone with the issues know that u will at the least try to look into it. I know that none of us have an issue helping resolve the problem the issue here is when not even that is enough to get an issue fixed.
This shouldn't have been closed, reopening
same freezing at usbfs
Having the same issue with not having anything in usbfs. Tinfoil: 12.10. Nut: 3.3
Try DBI 😵💫👍👍
Same issue with latest tinfoil/nut on switch 14.1.1
same question! This problem began to occur in 13.0, and the USBFS could not be connected with high probability. Try to close and open tinfoil several times to connect, but after entering USBFS, it prompts that the path cannot be found. It seems that the path has been changed since 13.0. I am using nut v2.7, and the 3.0 version seems to be difficult to use. Currently, Tinfoil using 12.0 can be installed normally, but the installation package with the master key version 0xC (13.0.0-) cannot be installed. Other software is also required. Can someone solve this problem
Tinfoil's usb installation speed is faster than other software, it can reach nearly 40MB/s, other tools are only about 25MB/s or even less
MTP method works for me. Disable NUT in Tinfoil, then
Has this been fixed? My PC refuses to install things via LAN with NUT. I was able to use this function once and then it never worked again, I tried updating tinfoil but it did nothing.