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Go package for database record or other data caching

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Rapidash is a Go package for the database record or other data caching.
It not only supports memcached or Redis for generic caching (e.g. get/set ) but also supports fast access to read-only data by fetching all read-only records from the database and caching them to memory on application.
Also, It supports Read-Through / Write-Through caching for read/write records on the database.

Main features are the following.

1. Features

  • Fetches all read-only records from database at application startup and according to the index definition it expand as B+Tree structure on the memory. To get caching data, can use Query Builder and it available range searching.
  • Caching read/write table records to memcached or Redis for searching records fastly or load balancing database.
  • Supports generic caching (e.g. get/set ) for memcached or Redis
  • Supports transaction for caching
  • Supports select caching server by cache-key pattern from multiple cache servers
  • Supports Consistent Hashing for distributed caching
  • Fast encoding/decoding without reflect package
  • Compress caching data by msgpack

Also, Rapidash has beautiful access log visualizer. It visualize query and value between stash ( on the application ) and caching server and database like the following.

Visualize by HTML

スクリーンショット 2019-08-15 22 40 15

Visualize by Console

スクリーンショット 2019-08-15 22 47 09

Rapidash has three components.
First, we call component for caching the read-only records FirstLevelCache.
Second, we call component for caching the read/write records SecondLevelCache.
Finaly, we call component for generic caching LastLevelCache.

2. Benchmarks

2.1. FirstLevelCache Benchmarks

2.1.1. SELECT

By Primary Key

database/sql   200           9596890 ns/op          180199 B/op       4594 allocs/op
rapidash     50000             43565 ns/op           10734 B/op        100 allocs/op

x250 faster than database/sql

By Multiple Primary Keys ( IN query )

database/sql   100          13149288 ns/op          423101 B/op      13500 allocs/op
rapidash      5000            273461 ns/op          114952 B/op       2500 allocs/op

x50 faster than database/sql

2.2. SecondLevelCache Benchmarks

2.2.1. SELECT

Select by PRIMARY INDEX ( like SELECT * FROM table WHERE id = ? )

database/sql                   10000            127838 ns/op            1443 B/op         41 allocs/op
gorm                           10000            163271 ns/op           10122 B/op        201 allocs/op
rapidash worst ( all miss hit)  5000            234159 ns/op            9948 B/op        240 allocs/op
rapidash best ( all hit )      30000             46576 ns/op            5339 B/op        120 allocs/op

If cache is all hits, x3 faster than datbase/sql

2.2.2. INSERT

database/sql  3000            461925 ns/op            1235 B/op         25 allocs/op
gorm          3000            475054 ns/op            5831 B/op        118 allocs/op
rapidash      2000            602111 ns/op           13548 B/op        305 allocs/op

2.2.3. UPDATE

database/sql                    3000            502141 ns/op             676 B/op         17 allocs/op
gorm                            3000            553302 ns/op           11815 B/op        229 allocs/op
rapidash worst ( all miss hit ) 2000            775627 ns/op           12553 B/op        307 allocs/op
rapidash best ( all hit )       2000            594131 ns/op            8241 B/op        192 allocs/op

2.2.4. DELETE

database/sql  3000            485844 ns/op             579 B/op         17 allocs/op
gorm          3000            502079 ns/op            3789 B/op         80 allocs/op
rapidash      3000            543378 ns/op            3169 B/op         80 allocs/op

3. Install

3.1. Install as a Library

go get -u go.knocknote.io/rapidash

3.2 Install as a CLI tool

go get -u go.knocknote.io/rapidash/cmd/rapidash

4. Document


5. Usage

5.1 Fastly access to the read-only records

For example, if your application has immutable data-set by user actions like master data for gaming application, Rapidash fetch all them from database at application startup and according to the index definition they expand as B+Tree structure.

For example, we create events table on the database and insert some records to it.

  id bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL,
  event_id bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL,
  term enum('early_morning', 'morning', 'daytime', 'evening', 'night', 'midnight') NOT NULL,
  start_week int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  end_week int(10) unsigned NOT NULL,
  created_at datetime NOT NULL,
  updated_at datetime NOT NULL,
  UNIQUE KEY (event_id, start_week)

For caching records of events table, we could write the following.

package main

import (

	_ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql"

// Go structure for schema of `events`
type Event struct {
	ID        int64
	EventID   int64
	Term      string
	StartWeek uint8
	EndWeek   uint8
	CreatedAt time.Time
	UpdatedAt time.Time

// For decoding record
func (e *Event) DecodeRapidash(dec rapidash.Decoder) error {
	e.ID = dec.Int64("id")
	e.EventID = dec.Int64("event_id")
	e.Term = dec.String("term")
	e.StartWeek = dec.Uint8("start_week")
	e.EndWeek = dec.Uint8("end_week")
	e.CreatedAt = dec.Time("created_at")
	e.UpdatedAt = dec.Time("updated_at")
	return dec.Error()

// Map column of `events` table to Go type
func (e *Event) Struct() *rapidash.Struct {
	return rapidash.NewStruct("events").

func main() {
	conn, err := sql.Open("mysql", "root:@tcp(localhost:3306)/rapidash?parseTime=true")
	if err != nil {

	// Create `*rapidash.Rapidash` instance
	cache, err := rapidash.New()
	if err != nil {
	// Cache all records on the `events` table
	if err := cache.WarmUp(conn, new(Event).Struct(), true); err != nil {

	// Create `*rapidash.Tx` instance from `*rapidash.Rapidash`
	tx, err := cache.Begin()
	if err != nil {

	// SELECT * FROM events
	//   WHERE `event_id` = 1 AND
	//      `start_week` <= 3 AND
	//      `end_week` >= 3   AND
	//      `term` = daytime
	builder := rapidash.NewQueryBuilder("events").
		Eq("event_id", uint64(1)).
		Lte("start_week", uint8(3)).
		Gte("end_week", uint8(3)).
		Eq("term", "daytime")
	var event Event
	if err := tx.FindByQueryBuilder(builder, &event); err != nil {

5.2 Fastly access to the read/write records

  id bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  user_id bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL,
  user_session_id bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL,
  login_param_id bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL,
  name varchar(255) NOT NULL,
  created_at datetime NOT NULL,
  updated_at datetime NOT NULL,
  UNIQUE KEY (user_id, user_session_id),
  KEY (user_id, login_param_id)

For example, we create user_logins table on the database and insert some records to it. For caching records of user_logins table, we could write the following.

※ Previously, we start memcached with 11211 port.

package main

import (

	_ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql"

// Go structure for schema of `user_logins`
type UserLogin struct {
	ID            int64
	UserID        int64
	UserSessionID int64
	LoginParamID  int64
	Name          string
	CreatedAt     time.Time
	UpdatedAt     time.Time

// For encoding record
func (u *UserLogin) EncodeRapidash(enc Encoder) error {
	if u.ID != 0 {
		enc.Int64("id", u.ID)
	enc.Int64("user_id", u.UserID)
	enc.Int64("user_session_id", u.UserSessionID)
	enc.Int64("login_param_id", u.LoginParamID)
	enc.String("name", u.Name)
	enc.Time("created_at", u.CreatedAt)
	enc.Time("updated_at", u.UpdatedAt)
	return enc.Error()

// For decoding record
func (u *UserLogin) DecodeRapidash(dec Decoder) error {
	u.ID = dec.Int64("id")
	u.UserID = dec.Int64("user_id")
	u.UserSessionID = dec.Int64("user_session_id")
	u.LoginParamID = dec.Int64("login_param_id")
	u.Name = dec.String("name")
	u.CreatedAt = dec.Time("created_at")
	u.UpdatedAt = dec.Time("updated_at")
	return dec.Error()

// Map column of `user_logins` table to Go type
func (u *UserLogin) Struct() *rapidash.Struct {
	return rapidash.NewStruct("user_logins").

func main() {
	conn, err := sql.Open("mysql", "root:@tcp(localhost:3306)/rapidash?parseTime=true")
	if err != nil {

	// Create `*rapidash.Rapidash` instance with ServerAddrs option
	cache, err := rapidash.New(rapidash.ServerAddrs([]string{"localhost:11211"}))
	if err != nil {
	if err := cache.WarmUp(conn, new(UserLogin).Struct(), false); err != nil {

	// Create `*sql.Tx` instance
	txConn, err := conn.Begin()
	if err != nil {
	// Create `*rapidash.Tx` instance from `*sql.Tx`
	tx, err := cache.Begin(txConn)
	if err != nil {

	// SELECT * FROM user_logins
	//   WHERE `user_id` = 1 AND `user_session_id` = 1
	builder := rapidash.NewQueryBuilder("user_logins").
		Eq("user_id", int64(1)).
		Eq("user_session_id", int64(1))

	// Search from memcached first, fetch it from database if without cache on memcached
	var userLogin UserLogin
	if err := tx.FindByQueryBuilder(builder, &userLogin); err != nil {

	// Set cache to memcached
	if err := tx.Commit(); err != nil {

5.3 Generic caching

5.3.1 Encode/Decode

Primitive Types

int , int8 , int16 , int32 , int64 , uint , uint8 , uint16 , uint32, uint64 , float32, float64 , []byte , string , bool

The above types can use API like rapidash.Int(1) and rapidash.IntPtr(v) ( ※ v is *int type ) for encoding and decoding .

Primitive Slice Types

[]int , []int8 , []int16 , []int32 , []int64 , []uint , []uint8 , []uint16 , []uint32, []uint64 , []float32, []float64 , [][]byte , []string , []bool

The above types can use API like rapidash.Ints([]int{1}) and rapidash.IntsPtr(v) ( ※ v is *[]int type ) for encoding and decoding .

Struct type

Struct type can encode/decode by (*rapidash.Struct).Cast() like the following.

type User struct {
  ID int64
  Name string

func (u *User) EncodeRapidash(enc rapidash.Encoder) error {
    enc.Int64("id", u.ID)
    enc.String("name", u.Name)
    return enc.Error()

func (u *User) DecodeRapidash(dec rapidash.Decoder) error {
    u.ID = dec.Int64("id")
    u.Name = dec.String("name")
    return dec.Error()

func (u *User) Struct() *rapidash.Struct {
    return rapidash.NewStruct("users").FieldInt64("id").FieldString("name")

UserType := new(User).Struct()
tx.Create("user", UserType.Cast(&User{ID: 1, Name: "john"})) // encode

var user User
tx.Find("user", UserType.Cast(&user)) // decode

Struct Slice Type

Struct Slice type can encode/decode by rapidash.Structs() like the following.

type Users []*User

func (u *Users) EncodeRapidash(enc rapidash.Encoder) error {
	for _, v := range *u {
		if err := v.EncodeRapidash(enc.New()); err != nil {
			return err
	return nil

func (u *Users) DecodeRapidash(dec rapidash.Decoder) error {
	len := dec.Len()
	*u = make([]*User, len)
	for i := 0; i < len; i++ {
		var v User
		if err := v.DecodeRapidash(dec.At(i)); err != nil {
			return err
		(*u)[i] = &v
	return nil

UserType := new(User).Struct()
users := Users{}
users = append(users, &User{ID: 1, Name: "john"})
tx.Create("user", rapidash.Structs(users, UserType)) // encode

var u Users
tx.Find("user", rapidash.Structs(&u, UserType)) // decode

5.3.2 Example

※ Previously, we start memcached with 11211 port.

package main

import (

func main() {
	// Create `*rapidash.Rapidash` instance with ServerAddrs option
	cache, err := rapidash.New(rapidash.ServerAddrs([]string{"localhost:11211"}))
	if err != nil {
	tx, err := cache.Begin()
	if err != nil {
	// Create cache for int value
	if err := tx.Create("key", rapidash.Int(1)); err != nil {

	// Get cache for int value
	var v int
	if err := tx.Find("key", rapidash.IntPtr(&v)); err != nil {

	// Set cache to memcached
	if err := tx.Commit(); err != nil {

6. Committers