Mark Baseggio
Mark Baseggio
Thanks for the links, I will look at adding them or at least linking them
This is a really old ask, but I will look into it!
I will take a look a this, thanks for the report - sorry for the issue!
@suhongrui @ctshanghai can you please try out the dev branch? I *think* I fixed it.
Yeah, it would be very nice if the background color could match the cursorline instead of disappearing the indent character. Thanks!
I've tried every combination I can think of and can't seem to get alignment working at all.
Having the same issues - none of the Windows fonts seem to have all of the symbols (at least when using putty).
BLE has a different endianness so the bits are reversed. Look at the python client for an example of how to decipher them. Or you can look at this ipython...
I will take a look at this soon, thank you for reporting the issue!