cordova-plugin-cocoapods-support copied to clipboard
Using local pod / podspec
I'm wondering if the plugin allows us to use local pod ? I'm developing a SDK and want to create a cordova plugin before release it on a cocoapods spec repo.
Thanks a lot in advance.
Hi, something like
<pod name="YourSDK" spec=":path => '../pathTo/YourSDK.podspec'" />
in your plugin.xml should work.
The problem with this is, that the path to your podspec may be dependent on the project name.
As a workaround, I simply copied my plugin to the www
directory by also adding
<asset src="src/ios/YourSDK" target="YourSDK" />
and used
<pod name="YourSDK" spec=":path => 'www/YourSDK/YourSDK.podspec'" />
instead, which works in every case.