Blair Conrad
Blair Conrad
Even more confusingly (to me), running the msiexec command by hand seems to work if I avoid symlinks ```powershell > rm -r C:\users\blair\scoop\persist\pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.11.0 > msiexec /quiet /a "C:\Users\blair\scoop\persist\pyenv\pyenv-win\install_cache\3.11.0\core.msi" "TargetDir=C:\users\blair\scoop\persist\pyenv\pyenv-win\versions\3.11.0" >...
On a whim, I used scoop to uninstall pyenv, and installed using the PowerShell option. And I was able to install python 3.11. So it looks like the scoop-provided symlinks...
Yeah, I didn't even realize that scoop wasn't "official". I only used it because I got a new laptop and my plan for installing tools was 1. try winget _tool_....
A naive "fix" would be to attach the original filename to the `BytesIO` object (or a proxy for same), to then be attached to the dataset, but it's perhaps a...
> A separate field for this special case seems like overkill to me, but I don't have a good solution either. Understood. The jerk in me suggests that abusing an...
@claerhouth, I am not affiliated with the Autofac.Extras.DynamicProxy package, nor with Autofac as a whole. So I probably shouldn't be saying anything, but after a conversation with @tillig that arose...
It's been a while with no action, so I took a look. Remember, I don't use autofac, so I'm going to use the wrong terms for everything and completely misunderstand...
Oh, @claerhouth, if your concrete components are well-behaved, you might do all right using `EnableClassInterceptors`.
I was about to say that I think there'd still need to be a little work done in this package to resolve the bug, if we could know what we...