node-next-gae-demo copied to clipboard
A Universal/Isomorphic React Next.js app designed to work for Google App Engine's Node.js Standard Environment
A simple working example of running Next.js on Google App Engine's Node Standard Environment
v1.0.0 - 2021-11-19
- Removed server.js dependency
- Added support for passing PORT to npm command for dev server.
- Updating app.yaml for node16 runtime
- Upgrading axios to latest, next.js to 12, react to 17
- Updating ci build scripts and adding documentation
- Converting eslint directives to leverage next.js's builtins
v0.3.4 - 2020-07-18
- Security upgrades for various packages
v0.3.3 - 2019-11-02
- Adding Google App Engine Build and Deploy Support ala this blog post
v0.3.2 - 2019-10-27
- Adding Google Cloud Build and Google Container Registry Support ala this blog post
v0.3.1 - 2019-10-27
- Adding docker support ala this blog post
- Adding scripts to package.yaml to support building docker images
v0.2.2 - 2019-10-25
- Upgrading various packages
v0.2.1 - 2019-10-12
- Upgraded several packages
v0.2.0 - 2019-07-21
- Upgraded to Next.js 9
- Switched routing to Next.js 9's filebased routing and removed routes from server.js
- Retooled
script for better deployed ngnix performance - Introduced
for separating local run from deployed runs - Upgraded various packages
v0.1.1 - 2019-07-16:
- Upgraded axios, js-yaml, and lodash packages for security
v0.1.1 - 2019-03-30:
- Upgraded eslint to avoid js-yaml security vulnerability
- Removed isopmorphic-unfetch in lieu of axios
- Added gzip compression
- Minor prep for PWA
v0.1.0 - 2019-03-09:
- Upgraded to Next.js 8.0.3
- Upgraded react and react dom to 16.8.3 (aka "the one with hooks")
- Various other package updates
v0.0.4 - 2018-12-29:
- Updated to use nodejs10 runtime on App Engine
- Upgraded to Next.js 7.0.2
Live Demo
View live demo at
- Be sure to also check out this demo with material-ui support.
Note: You need node installed. I am using v16.3.0
To install all required dependencies, simply run:
npm install
Local Development:
npm run dev
If you would like to run on a specific port (3001 for example), run:
PORT=3001 npm run dev
Production Build:
npm run build
(Note: It is a good idea to remove your ./build dir before build/deploy to remove unused build files)
Running Production Build Locally: npm run start-local
Point browser to localhost:8080
Deploying to Google App Engine
This will deploy your build to a version of the node-next-gae-demo
service (as defined in app.yaml) in your <your_project_id> project. Learn more about services and versions in GAE).
gcloud --project your_project_id app deploy app.yaml --version version_name --verbosity=debug
eg: gcloud --project blaine-garrett app deploy app.yaml --version main --verbosity=debug
Local Docker Setup
You can build and run a docker image locally to test Docker setup locally. This helps debug CI issues and illustrates running the app in a container.
Configurations are included to build docker containers using Node 16 base image.
Development Container
- NOTE: You should not deploy this image as next is running in development mode.
- NOTE: Internal docker networking is set to run on port 8000 as defined in the
To build the local docker image in dev mode, run:
npm run docker:build:dev
To run the newly created image on port 3001, run:
docker run -p 3001:8000 gae-node-next-demo:dev
Open localhost:3001
in your browser to see the image running.
Tip: To list all running contianers
docker ps
Tip: To kill a running container
docker kill <CONTAINER_ID>
Production Container
This will crete and run a production docker image
- NOTE: Internal docker networking is set to run on port 8000 as defined in the
To build the local docker image in production mode, run:
npm run docker:build:production
To run the newly created image on port 8080, run:
docker run -p 8080:8000 gae-node-next-demo:prod
Open localhost:8080
in your browser to see the image running.
- Note: This command is aliased for convenience as
npm run docker:run:production
. To run on a different local port, update the command or run the one above.
Using Google Cloud Build
Less tested build configurations are in place to build and deploy tar files (GAE Standard) and Docker Images (GAE Flexible and Cloud Run) via Google Cloud Build. Experiment at your own risk and modify as per your needs.
Build a docker container and store in Google Container Registry
npm run cloudbuild:production
For tar file support see the build.gaestandard.cloudbuild.yaml
and deploy.gaestandard.cloudbuild.yaml
- You must have a Google Cloud Account created. Sign up here.
- You must have a project created. Replace your_project_id with the id of your project.
- You must have the Google Cloud SDK command line tools installed. Installation Instructions
Important Notes for GAE
- Unlike other runtimes supported by App Engine (Python 2.7, etc), you cannot run your application locally via or equivalent. You must use the node runtime installed to your machine.
- As of Dec 29th, 2018 not all Google Cloud and App Engine standard features are available yet in the Beta.
Important Notes for Next.js
- As of March 13th, 2018, files and folders are automatically skipped during deploy if they start with a
. This means the default .build directory must be renamed using thedistDir
setting in ./next.config
About the Demo
This demo is a compilation of the nextgram, custom-server-express and head-elements examples from Next.js
It pulls data from the Minneapolis Institute of Art's Elastic Search api.
It demonstrates resolving data dependencies server side (and client side), setting meta content, as well as returning 404 status codes server side based on the results of the REST data.
The demo was presented as part of a lightning talk about Node/Next/GAE at the React Minneapolis Meetup March 15th, 2018 with permission from the GAE Node.js team while Node support was still in EAP. View slides for the presentation.