
Results 128 comments of Rik

@maxlevesque sorry for the trouble - was this inside a university or corporate network?

@maxlevesque thanks for the kind words. If the issue only happens at university, then it will almost certainly be fixed by the next release. It should auto-update. Thanks for your...

In the simplest case we could just use hyperdrive as the kvstore instead of leveldb - but the latency involved in the lookups for the inverted index would probably be...

I am in the process of implementing this on top of [hyperdb](https://github.com/mafintosh/hyperdb). A lot of the hard problems are already solved by @mafintosh in that module. There are some tricky...

This could solve a lot of licensing issues that prevent us making official datasources. The datasource could point to the url, resources, and proper ingestion module for each paper, as...

hmm good point - there is no browser find equivalent interface built into electron - we'll have to add it directly to our lens reader window, perhaps using one of...

@CAYdenberg if we use `electron-in-page-search`, this would be achieved from inside the `reader` view as opposed to Lens. This has the benefit of also supporting other readers that we might...

@CAYdenberg haha I wrote this before I saw your PR #130 - looks like you took matters into your own hands which is awesome :D

Thanks @VickySteeves - I agree. Do you think this could be served by something as simple as a walkthrough gif? Or do you think we need something more explicit that...

@VickySteeves shout if I can help point you in the right direction. We also have a [chat room](https://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=sciencefair) if you have any questions. I'm saying this because I'm acutely aware...