Dražen Popović
Dražen Popović
## Why do tests succeed? https://github.com/mlabs-haskell/lambda-buffers/blob/0670960b08aa65a4c6e0bb4bc9e276c21d0f32b7/testsuites/lbt-prelude/lbt-prelude-rust/tests/goldens.rs#L161-L163 We defined goldens in Rust with Rust's Result and not LBs Either alias (https://github.com/mlabs-haskell/lambda-buffers/blob/0670960b08aa65a4c6e0bb4bc9e276c21d0f32b7/lambda-buffers-codegen/data/rust-prelude-base.json#L18-L22) ## Where's the error coming from? We alias LB Prelude.Either...
Phantom handling in Rust codegen is not correct I believe https://github.com/mlabs-haskell/lambda-buffers/blob/401f8a920a557c71440795174da199a1e128c4f9/lambda-buffers-codegen/src/LambdaBuffers/Codegen/Rust/Print/TyDef.hs#L177 ``` record CreateScriptsRequest a = { scripts : Map ScriptHash (ScriptDatum a) } derive Eq (CreateScriptsRequest a) derive Json...
In Plutarch the general consensus is that we perform Eq by simply delegating to the underling PlutusData representation. ```haskell instance PEq FooTrivial where (#==) = \l r -> pdata l...
## Sample ``` record ScriptDatum s = { scriptType : s, -- ^ Protocol specific script type stored in this UTxO redeemer : AssetClass -- ^ Wallet containing `$redeemer` must...
What do you think? I find that I need those quite often.
What is PlutusData (toData and fromData) meaning for all Prelude types? https://github.com/mlabs-haskell/lambda-buffers/blob/26adebd13cb97900cec7fe66cb1dd11977ba77ed/libs/lbf-plutus/Plutus/V1.lbf#L15 ``` -- Instances for Prelude types -- TODO(bladyjoker): Add other Prelude types (Text, Bytes etc.)? instance PlutusData Bool...
Currently, Haskell and Purescript backends handle foreign LB references without considering the package they are in. This is something the Codegen can't decide and has to be provided by the...
https://github.com/mlabs-haskell/lambda-buffers/blob/f5acbc09718191cdfbf374ee5aaeacf626b8b9e9/runtimes/haskell/lbr-prelude/src/LambdaBuffers/Runtime/Prelude/Json.hs#L140 ``` sum X = Y | Z derive Json X record Test = { test : Map X Integer } derive Json Test ``` The generated code will break...
This is sorely needed and the absence of this is making containers relying on order of values to be barely useful (one needs to pass around orphan instance implementations). TODO:...
Currently: https://github.com/mlabs-haskell/lambda-buffers/blob/f5acbc09718191cdfbf374ee5aaeacf626b8b9e9/lambda-buffers-codegen/data/rust-plutus-pla.json#L152C5-L156C7 But should point to https://github.com/mlabs-haskell/plutus-ledger-api-rust/blob/4b2660648f194647fdc17ecb793ee776f07d7df7/plutus-ledger-api/src/v1/assoc_map.rs#L15 Which is canonically https://github.com/IntersectMBO/plutus/blob/master/plutus-tx/src/PlutusTx/Data/AssocMap.hs How does this pass the test?