react-native-twilio-video-webrtc copied to clipboard
onParticipant{Enabled,Disabled}VideoTrack Freezes Video
Steps to reproduce
- User A and B joins a room, both videos are working
- User A disables their video
Expected behaviour
- User B receives the onParticipantDisabledVideoTrack
- User B sees a black screen on the
(which is user A)
Actual behaviour
- User B receives the onParticipantDisabledVideoTrack
- User B sees a frozen screen (or the last frame of the video) on the
(which is user A)
I noticed that if I toggle the video on User A multiple times (calling setLocalVideoEnabled
) fast enough, it will go to be a black screen. Is this because of how streaming works and there is a delay in when user B receives the final stream before user A shuts off their video stream?
I am a newbie when it comes to how video works on Twilio. Any help would be appreciated!
Edit: Another question is, when the onParticipantDisabledVideoTrack
is called should we be replacing the TwilioVideoParticipantView
with our own custom components?
- Node.js version: v11.6.0
- React Native version: 0.57.8
- React Native platform + platform version: iOS 12.1.2
Version: master
Hm, you might be right about it being a race condition ... can you consistently reproduce the issue (e.g. if you call it twice via a setTimeout).
As for whether it should be replaced with a custom component; I guess that's a product decision for you =).
Just to chime in on this one. I am able to reproduce this fairly consistently.
Reproduction steps:
- Setup the Example included in library
- Connect to a remote participant
- Disable/Enable remote participants video, 10 times, waiting 30 second in between
- Screen goes black/blank for 10/10 tests
- Screen shows last frame of remote video for 8/10 tests
Has anyone tried when the other client is not using this library? Just trying to see if it's on the sender side or the receiver side.
@slycoder - Good question. I think it is actually a Twilio issue. Just tried by spinning up two side-by-sides of this as was able to reproduce using a similar javascript-to-javascript use case - so its not limited to React Native.
Simple fix for me was to listen for onParticipantDisabledVideoTrack
and then just change my state to render a black box instead of the video frame.
Thanks for all the deep digging @keithhackbarth and the workaround.
@keithhackbarth Can you provide code snippet of how to show black screen on disable video? I am unable to listen to this event.
@keithhackbarth I'm running into a similar issue and pattern of behavior, using Vue.js in this particular instance. But, same gist. Running the following code on my disable mutation leaves a paused / frozen video rather than a black screen the majority of the time:
const video_tracks = state.room_data.localParticipant.videoTracks;
video_tracks.forEach(function(publication) {
Even their sample code for localmediacontrols
appears to implement a workaround that actively removes the video element from the DOM when muting video.
listen for
and then just change my state to render a black box instead of the video frame.
Hey, I was wondering were you able to find any work around on it?