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Code Lab for Reactive Programming with Akka.NET and .NET Core
Code Lab for Reactive Programming with Akka.NET and .NET Core
Live course will open on 9/29 Study4.TW .NET Conf 2018 - 使用 Akka.NET 建立響應式應用程式
- :bicyclist: Reactive Manifesto & Architecture
- :bullettrain_front: Akka.NET & .NET Core
- :rocket: Put it into REAL : Integrating React & SignalR
:white_check_mark: Lab01 - HelloWorld
This is a basic Akka.NET sample for Tpye and Untype actor.
Demo Features
- Akka.NET Hello world
- UntypedActor and ReceiveActor(TypeActor)
- Tell, Ask, Forward
Technical Stacks
- .NET Core
- Akka.NET
Project Link
:white_check_mark: Lab02 - Akka.NET MessageDelivery
This is an example for actor life-cyle
Demo Features
- Actor LifeCycle
- Stop & GracefulStop Actor
Technical Stacks
- .NET Core
- Akka.NET
Project Link
:white_check_mark: Lab03 - MusicPlayer with Akka.NET
This is an example to demo the ActorSystem and Supervision on Akka.NET
Demo Features
- Multiple Actor and Actor's data
- ActorSystem path
- Actor behavior - Become()
- Supervision
Technical Stacks
- .NET Core
- Akka.NET
Project Link
:white_check_mark: Lab04 Routers of Akka.NET
This is an example to demo Routers of Akka.NET
Demo Features
- Round Robin
- Random routing
- Shortest Mailbox queue
- Consistent Hashing
Technical Stacks
- .NET Core
- Akka.NET
Project Link
:white_check_mark: Lab05 Chat Room
This is a sample to demo Akka.Remote
Demo Features
- Akka.Remote
- Akka Configuration(hocon file)
Technical Stacks
- .NET Core
- Akka.NET
- Akka.Remote
Project Link
:white_check_mark: Lab06 Akka.Cluster
A demo to show how to setup Cluster.
Demo Features
- Actor.Cluster combine multiple Actor System
- Load Actor System and cluster setting from configuration(hocon file)
Technical Stacks
- .NET Core
- Akka.NET
- Akka.Remote
- Akka.Cluster
Project Link
:white_check_mark: Lab07 Akka.NET & ASP.NET Core
Simple ASP.NET Core with Akka.NET
Demo Features
- Actor model integrate with ASP.NET Core
Technical Stacks
- .NET Core
- Akka.NET
- ASP.NET Core
Project Link
:white_check_mark: Lab08 MiniSportsbook
An example to demo how to integate Akka.NET to push messaing from clinet console.
Demo Features
- Client generate game data to Web from Akka.Remote
- Use Akka.Scheduler to fire game data when target interval
- ASP.NET Core build multiple Actors
- ASP.NET Core use IHostedService play as console
- Use SignalR push data to Client
- Change Akka.Serializer from Json.NET to Hyperion
Technical Stacks
- .NET Core
- Akka.NET
- Akka.Remote
- Akka.Scheduler
- Hyperion
- ASP.NET Core
- ASP.NET Core SignalR
- React & Redux
- Bootstrap
Project Link