Omar Brown
Omar Brown
I am loving this ZOD compressor. It reminds me of tube compressor from the seventies. The headroom is crazy nice and smooth. It would be nice if you can break...
Nikolai, Do you have a video demo for your Bass module. I think I am getting the results by following your ReadMe information, but I just wanted to be sure.
I hope all is well with this flu season going around?
Since you are not on facebook, here are some links to some tracks that I had created with your modules recently.
MSCHack, Do you have any New Year Development Resolutions you want to share? Omar
Happy belated holidays and have a happy new year.
**Fedor Tkachev** _Omar Brown_ Hello, please ask Mr. mscHack if he could fix CV inputs for gain and pan on his mixers. The problem is that Pan CV input requires...
MSHack, Some Mod Artists asked if you could add gate outputs to your sequencers? Right now now they only have trigger outputs. Now I was thinking that the feature that...
What is the "Hold CV" feature?
The compressor threshold has to be set far to high near limiting to get a gain reduction meter. See attached image. As you can see I have a very low...