react-phone-input-2 icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
react-phone-input-2 copied to clipboard

:telephone_receiver: Highly customizable phone input component with auto formatting

Results 203 react-phone-input-2 issues
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Seeing that the component directly renders the errorMessage inside a container div, I've changed the type from string to React.ReactNode to allow for richer interactions, as we needed to put...

Add mask for HN and NI

Hi there, I'm working on a localized dashboard, where user can change display language without refresh the page, But it seems, that PhoneInput component takes initial value of localization and...

Hello! first to congratulate for the operation, it is exquisite. On the other hand, locally it works perfectly for me. But when uploading it to production, I get the error:...

It is ".. .. .. .." Should be ".. .. ... ..."

There is no validation for mobile number for specific countries. Example India has 10digits without dial code and if it user inputs less than this how to validate ? Even...


- adding optional params onto `CountryData` to be compatible with `country` object in `isValid` - this is to fix typescript error `Property 'format' does not exist on type 'object'` when...

Hi, I have a requirement where I need the ability to show placeholder when default country is selected but number input is empty. Any help would be appreciated.

It would be better if placeholder is still visible next to country code