CSharpGuidelinesAnalyzer copied to clipboard
Reports diagnostics for C# coding guidelines that are not already covered by Resharper.
Update layer settings (3 years old now) to contain never warnings and suggestions from latest Resharper version. Use https://github.com/json-api-dotnet/JsonApiDotNetCore/blob/master/JsonApiDotNetCore.sln.DotSettings and https://github.com/json-api-dotnet/JsonApiDotNetCore/blob/master/WarningSeverities.DotSettings for reference.
#### Analyzer AV1553: DoNotUseOptionalParameterWithDefaultValueNullAnalyzer #### Repro steps ```c# #nullable enable internal static class ArgumentGuard { public static void NotNull(T? value, [CallerArgumentExpression("value")] string? parameterName = null) where T : class {...
#### Analyzer [AV1706](https://github.com/dennisdoomen/CSharpGuidelines/blob/5.6.0/_rules/1706.md): Don't use abbreviations Extra words to catch: - doc (instead of document)