Бранимир Караџић

Results 377 comments of Бранимир Караџић

Actually that second one is incorrect, but I see what it needs to be fixed... The same how you have `at.layer`, you should have `at.numLayers` (not `texture.numLayers`).

Yeah it needs to be added to `Attachment`. Benefit is that you can set exact number of layers you need. And other is validation. If for example if you set...

I added `Attachment.numLayers`: https://github.com/bkaradzic/bgfx/commit/796acfa98bc69f525d658fc61724195dbb688d8e You can submit PR for your shaderc changes. Also in order for this to work we need to enable it: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/d3d11/ns-d3d11-d3d11_feature_data_d3d11_options3

Added `gl_ViewportIndex` and `gl_Layer`. https://github.com/bkaradzic/bgfx/commit/812f7712f18928d508bed4eb2d9c468b4f26e9e9

I have no access to Apple DTK, and no one submitted patch for it yet. You can try to fix it and submit PR, or you need to wait for...

Apple might provide patches: https://twitter.com/pixelpartner/status/1275349098036695041/photo/1

@attilaz Is there way to resize this buffer in runtime?

Just checked D3D12 and it's 64MiB (`BGFX_CONFIG_MAX_DRAW_CALLS*1024` per backbuffer) for all descriptors. @leeziyu Can you test it with D3D12? Do you have same issue?

D3D11 is different. D3D12, VK, and Metal are similar.

You can change size yourself. In the future probably there would be some chunked allocator of 1MiB uniform block...