Kevin Le
Kevin Le
Good point, I'll take a look when I get some time. All thanks should be directed to @inkarkat for authorship of the plugin.
I think it would make sense that it would select the leading separators between words. If there were no separators, then would the selection be empty? I think that would...
fixes `CamelCaseMotion_iw` but breaks `CamelCaseMotion_w` for me With the brackets indicating the cursor position, if I have `[w]ord word` and call `CamelCaseMotion_w`, I'll get `word[ ]word`
Seems odd to me that that would be the case when you've added whitespace as something it should consider to be the start of the next word: `call add(s:forward_to_next_list, '\s')`.
Unfortunately, I don't have a great solution. YankRing takes over the omap for `e`. The ideal solution would compose the mappings together. I'll leave this issue open in case others...
Hmm, I work with hypen-separated-variables all the time in HTML/CSS files and haven't had an issue. I also just tried it with `set iskeyword+=-` and it seemed to work correctly....
Hmm, I wasn't able to reproduce this problem. What's the file type you're working with? What do you get back when you type in ":set iskeyword?"
Good point, worth looking into.
I have not taken over ownership of CamelCaseMotion. I started this repo so that I could have my pathogen bundle point to a copy of CamelCaseMotion with a bugfix I...
they hijack `cd` ``` bash cd () { builtin cd "$@"; local result=$?; __rvm_project_rvmrc; __rvm_after_cd; return $result } ```