360 FPS is odd. Is your monitor 360hz by chance?
Strange. I have a 144hz monitor, NVIDIA GTX 3070 TI (with the same driver version as you) and task manager shows m-overlay only using around 3% to 5% GPU. The...
I'm curious if the new NVIDIA driver that just dropped (536.67) helps at all? I just have to assume this a 40 series issue, since both my 3070 and 2070...
https://github.com/bkacjios/m-overlay/issues/176#issuecomment-1592168387 Try this
How are you running it? Are you running the native Linux version of M'Overlay via ` m-overlay-x64.love `? Or are you running the windows version?
How did you install it via commandline exactly? The `love` executable may not be in `/usr/bin/`
I'm still confused how you installed it. Cloning the GitHub repository would only get you the source code.. Did you build it from source?
Ah, the latest update will now require `lua51-sec` as a dependency for the built in updater functionality. You would have to install that package via pacman.
Sadly these little breakout boards for the ports have pins 3 and 4 connected together.
Well, I just ended up making a timer that will only call gc_init every second or so if there's no controller connected. Seems to have mostly fixed the issue.