gromit-mpx copied to clipboard
clear-on-toggle functionality
I've looking in cfg but I don't see if there is a way to do it: when I want to stop drawing in my screen and move to another place I have to do shift-F9 F9 al the time, it would be more practical if shift-F9 does clean and togle after that , is it possible to do it?
Thanks for the tool! Joan
If you want to stop annotating, move somewhere else, continue annotating, then Ctrl-F9 should do. If you really need to switch a lot, I recommend setting up a dedicated annotation device, see
Hope that helps @joancf
Hi thanks for the fast answer, but this was not my question ;-)
My idea is I'm presenting something on a web page, and using Gromit to do some annotations. Now I want to change the page to explain some extra stuff. But I have the annotations over the page
So I need to do shift-F9 to delete the current drawings, F9 to enable the mouse normal working, change the page and do F9 again
If I do Ctr-F9 it looks like I did shif-F9 F9 , but when I activate it again the old annotations will appear . And I want to restart from a clean string.
That is can I reprogram shift-F9 so that it first deletes all the annotations and then toggles the mode to off/on If it toggles the mode on/off two consecutives shift-F9 would do the clean.
PD: I'll check the dual pointer anyway...
So you're basically looking for a "clear-on-toggle"?
Yes! maybe that's the best way to express it. ! And I see that you label it as feature request .
For quick hack:
If you are using a shortcut/hotkey daemon like sxhkd
or XFCE shortcut manager, you can set your a key for clear-on-toggle.
Here is what I have in my sxhkdrc
super + g
gromit-mpx -t -c
This will clear the screen no matter if the drawing mode is toggled to on or off (if the screen is currently empty, it will still clear the screen which there isn't any problem with that)