Bernd Krolla

Results 47 comments of Bernd Krolla

Hi @ruedli, looks great, excellent work! Easiest way to integrate the stl is to create a pull request to "develop", which I can merge afterwards. Best, Bernd

Hi @ruedli, nice! Short video to see the clock in action is highly welcome!! ;) Best, Bernd

Hi @nathangoss nice idea to integrate that! Querry the brightness from your sensor within the while-loop: ... and update the brighness value: wcd.setBrightness(your_value_within_the_range_0_to_255) before the wordclock display is updated...

... would be great to see your solution, @euchkatzl ;) Ideally mergeable via pull-request ;)

Strange, that the other plugins do not adopt this. I just ordered the sensor and will look into it. ... keep you updated, @FrankX0 @phenze

Hi all, before starting the integration, I'd like to clarify the requirements for the light sensor. So far I have on my list...: * Setting of global brightness -- independent...

Hi @Arjan444 good to hear, that you like the clock! :) Recently, I refactored the wordclock display. Changes are currently on develop branch. Especially the way of handling the brightness...

Please take a look at the latest documentation to see how the ambient light sensor can be integrated:

Hi @ruedli, really nice clock! Thanks for sharing!! ....definitely a strong candidate for the gallery ( come...)

Hi @ruedli, please create a [pull request]( to "develop". Then we can discuss changes in detail and decide, whether to integrate the soures (and documentation) into develop (preferred!) or leave...