lovr-docs copied to clipboard
A few typos, clarity tweaks, and omissions
small changes
[x] “torwards” https://lovr.org/docs/v0.15.0/Mat4:target
[x] “affect” should be “effect” https://lovr.org/docs/Collider:applyTorque
[x] :detectOverlaps should read :computeOverlaps https://lovr.org/docs/World:overlaps
[x] This page should list https://lovr.org/docs/World:newMeshCollider https://lovr.org/docs/Collider
[x] This setDimensions() function doesn’t actually exist; it should read setRadius() https://lovr.org/docs/SphereShape
[x] The equation at the bottom has a typo https://lovr.org/docs/Vec4:length
[x] Paragraph 1, last sentence, should specify that it's the center of the floor https://lovr.org/docs/lovr.headset
[x] Return value is wrong: https://lovr.org/docs/v0.15.0/lovr.math.newMat4 https://lovr.org/docs/v0.15.0/lovr.math.mat4
[ ] For people who follow tutorials by typing every example, the second code block should link to a monkey model: https://lovr.org/docs/v0.15.0/Callbacks_and_Modules
[ ] This page has a broken link to this image: https://lovr.org/docs/v0.15.0/Simple_Lighting https://barelyconsciousgames.blogspot.com/2020/07/simple-lighting-for-lovr-phong-model-in.html
bigger changes
[ ] These pages should clarify that :collide creates contact joints, and :update processes those joints https://lovr.org/docs/World:collide https://lovr.org/docs/World:update https://lovr.org/docs/v0.15.0/World
[ ] It would be cool if this page said how it computes overlaps. Some questions I had while reading it: https://lovr.org/docs/World:computeOverlaps • Does it check collision between AABBs? If that's all I want, can I use it for that? • Does it use a fast algorithm, or should I avoid calling it many times per frame? • I think at some point, someone said that ODE uses spatial hashing – is this that?
[ ] "Returns the original matrix" is misleading. This seems to be the default text on most vector pages. Might make sense to default to "returns the new matrix" or "returns the changed matrix" or something https://lovr.org/docs/Mat4:lookAt
A good list. I started fixing the easy ones in a PR.
Finished the rest of these