
Results 1083 comments of bjorn3

> That would just mean to .gitignore target except from target/doc. I don't like it very much though: it would pollute the git history with stuff that it's not basically...

> Builds doc items only once That is `#[doc(no_inline)]` or something like that. It would make less navigatable. Could be put behind a cfg I guess. > For released...

What about only using those rand subcrates we need? Rand consists of rand_core which defines some traits and error types, rand_chacha and rand_pcg which contain PRNG's, rand_dist for generating non-uniform...

> What's a point of dual licensing? Isn't MIT more permissive than Apache2.0? Initially I was going to license just under MIT. Apache-2.0 has extra rules regarding patents. IANAL, but... tl;dr: yes

How would compatibility between plugins that don't opt into fixed-point bevy and games that do opt in worl? Currently floating points are directly exposed, so switching to fixed-point violates the...

Bevy supports both the table layout, which is often called archetype in other ECS'es and the sparse layout. The default is table, but you can override it to sparse on...

Bat uses syntect for syntax highlighting I believe.

I don't know if the `Display` impl of `std::backtrace::Backtrace` has a stable format, so parsing it may break in the future. The `Debug` impl definitely has no stable format, as...

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