Martin Björkström

Results 47 comments of Martin Björkström

@robgha01 is it only when debugging or does it also happen when running the script without debugging? Could you paste verbose log of what is happening (i.e. set `--Verbosity Diagnostic`)....

@robgha01 what happens if you move `#load nuget:?package=BlueLeet.Build` to the top in `build.cake`?

@robgha01 does it work when not using `Cake.CoreCLR`?

@SabotageAndi I've been thinking on creating a Language Server for Gherkin which implements LSP, basic features should be relatively easy by using same parser/compiler as SpecFlow is using ( By...

Cool! I see that you are using the OmniSharp extensions. I've created a small blog post on getting started with it [here]( In case you have any questions regarding the...

@Meir017 What version of Cake are you running? I'd expect that you are running something earlier than v0.22.0 by looking at how addins/tools are installed. Bakery uses Cake.NuGet 0.23 to...

> @bjorkstromm is this still relevant since we bumped to .NET 3.1/5/6? Dunno, need to verify if this is still relevant. There's no GAC anymore, and additional System.* libs should...