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Scan your repos for accidentily exposed secrets using powershell

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Super simple passwordscanner built using PowerShell.

Scan your code, files, folders, and repos for accidentily exposed secrets using PowerShell.


  • Give a list of files to scan and we will check for any pattern matches in those files.

  • Outputs the result and metadata. (Use Get-Member to get all scan data)

Example output

  • Use an excludelist to prevent false positives, or if you really want to include secrets in your code, by creating a exclude file and passing it to the -Excludelist parameter. Either be specific and include File, LineNumber, Pattern, or use wildcards to exclude entire files or folders.
# Comments supported

# Relative paths supported (starting with .\)

# Wildcards supported. All files within this and subfolders will be excluded.

# Paths to files. All matches in these files will be excluded

# Patterns on specific lines supported in the format
# <path\to\file>;<line number>;<pattern>
.\ExcludeList.csv;1;"C:\BicepLab\template.json;51;-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----"
C:\MyRepo\PSSecretScanner\Docs\Help\;51;"C:\MyFiles\template.json;51;-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY-----"

To have Write-SecretStatus automatically pick up and use your ignore list for all your repo, name your excludelist .ignoresecrets and put it in your repo root folder!


  • From the PSGallery, run Install-Module PSSecretScanner

  • Clone this repo, and run Invoke-Build to build the module localy.


I couldn't find a proper secret scanner for PowerShell so I wrote my own.

From the beginning it was just a list of regex patterns stolen from the OWASP SEDATED security scanner repo that I ran through Select-String, as I thought the OWASP tools was way to advanced for my needs, and way to hard to wrap in a powershell script. From there it kind of grew, and hopefully it will grow even more.

About Regex patterns

  • The baseline is the list found at the OWASP repo, but converted to PowerShell Regex standard (PCRE I think it's called..)
  • Added _Azure_AccountKey pattern found at Detect-secrets from YELP
  • Added patterns from h33tlit (thank you Simon Wåhlin for telling me)

The added underscore _ to names in the pattern list is simply to make them easier to work with in PowerShell.

Features to add

Yes, even keeping it simple there are stuff I might want to add some day, or if you want to, feel free to create a PR.

  • Parallelization - make it faster on huge repos.
  • More filetypes! I kind of just winged it for now.