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JCenter is Shutting Down
JCenter is shutting down soon, please publish unmock to Maven Central
More details at https://chris.banes.dev/publishing-to-maven-central/
Thanks for raising this issue - originally I considered using GitHub packages but probably Central is more convenient for the users.
I requested to add unmock to Maven Central - that will take some time and I'm not sure how the domain verification will work since the groupId here is de.mobilej but my domain is mobile-j.de - hope to get this solved since I guess changing the groupId is the same hassle for users as it would be to add a GitHub packages repository.
Thanks for the quick response!
GitHub Packages requires auth token even for public packages which is a big hassle.
Hopefully Maven Central accept it regardless of the small difference.
Changing groupId in a few .gradle files is no big deal IMO, compared to RxJava/OkHttp version upgrades where it's hundreds of affected files.
Another option is Gradle Plugin Portal.
I haven't heard anything about my opened ticket - maybe they are very busy because JCenter is shutting down
I will wait a few days more and if I don't hear anything I will go for the Plugin Portal
Is there any news on this? I've tried to upgrade to the 0.7.8 version for the Gradle version support but can't seem to find it on MavenCentral.
Should be available on Central: https://search.maven.org/search?q=a:unmockplugin
Please note that the the group id had to be changed in order to publish on Central:
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'com.github.bjoernq:unmockplugin:0.7.6'
Thanks for pointing out the changed group id. I had missed that.