No z tym to będzie rzeczywiście ciężko, a w ogóle odhaczone ffms2 ci działa? Bo to wymaga zainstalowanie k-lite w wersji starszej o jakieś pół roku niż najnowsza. Możesz nawet...
Loading keyframes added.
I added button for all settings, maybe add there also button for tab settings
tutaj głównym problemem jest to, że wszystko pozostałe używa czasów, a MDVD używa klatek, jedyny sposób naprawienia to wywoływanie wideo z klatki a przy Direct Show trzeba użyć fpsu do...
Mógłbyś wyjaśnić lepiej co rozumiesz przez preferowane wideo?
For only Polish help it's inconvenient I had to hide it when English is used.
Hi, as i thought this will be the problem in my program. RTL should work not only on text field but in entire program. Can you provide some screens from...
Thanks for more explanation. First I have to check if Windows can draw texts from right, cause separate drawing every character is pain in ass. Main problem in Kainote is...
I just working alone with this program and have other things to do, but I made release and can now make more changes in code, that I should start to...
Looks like after getting conversion from ICU I could made some progress. Take some time to make text field usable I have selecting, copying and switched cursor move.