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Forbidden (#403) for Administration
I don't have access to the forum settings (Administration) with my admin account.
I a first time the "Administration" element in the navbar doesn't appear. I checked out a previous issue (N° 94) and corrected the user_id
in podium_auth_assignment
table. Now the "Administration" element appear but still don't have right access.
Try to flush the cache.
Still Forbidden...
In your previous post configuration adminId
is 1 - is it still the case?
Can you tell me what are the values of following fields in your database:
(assuming it's only one row), -
(same here).
It was just an example. Indeed, IDs in my user table are usernames (varchar(64)), so adminId
is 'elkrari'. I already altered the table to change inherited_id
= "podiumAdmin" anduser_id
= 1 -
= 1 andinherited_id
= "elkrari"
This is unusual. Now I'm not sure if Podium is prepared to handle non-numeric keys for users...
BTW If your primary key for user
table is varchar why have you set adminId
as 1?
Anyway - try to set user_id
in podium_auth_assignment
to "elkrari".
As I said earlier,
It was just an example. ...
is 'elkrari'.
Podium set in the beginning user_id
in podium_auth_assignment
to "elkrari" and I didn't work. even "Administration" element in the navbar doesn't appear until I changed it to 1.
I did now another try and the element disappeared again (with the value "elkrari").
in the User model has been changed to string and to VARCHAR in the database table.
In your app when you call echo Yii::$app->user->id;
(being logged as "elkrari") what do you get? Have you flushed the cache again after change?
My primary key in the table is "login" not "id". I can't use the "flush cache" option because I don't have right access. I just cleaned my browser cache.
echo Yii::$app->user->id;
should work no matter what the primary key name is (if your User model is properly constructed).
Browser cache is not enough. I can see in your config that you are using file cache so just remove cache files from runtime/cache
showed "elkrari".
I removed cache files related to Podium but nothing changed.
See this issue #115 Maybe user access rights is getting wrong.