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End-to-end speech recognition on AISHELL dataset.



End-to-end speech recognition on AISHELL dataset using Pytorch.

The entire system is an attention-based sequence-to-sequence model1. The encoder is a bidirectional GRU net with BatchNorm, and the decoder is another GRU net that applies Luong-based attention3.

The acoustic features are 80-dimensional filter banks. We apply SpecAugment4 to these features to improve generalization. They are also stacked every 3 consecutive frames, so the time resolution is reduced.

With this code you can achieve ~10% CER on the test set after 100 epochs.


Install requirements

$ pip install -r requirements.txt


  1. Download AISHELL dataset (data_aishell.tgz) from http://www.openslr.org/33/.
  2. Extract data_aishell.tgz:
$ python extract_aishell.py ${PATH_TO_FILE}
  1. Create lists (*.csv) of audio file paths along with their transcripts:
$ python prepare_data.py ${DIRECTORY_OF_AISHELL}


Check available options:

$ python train.py -h

Use the default configuration for training:

$ python train.py exp/default.yaml

You can also write your own configuration file based on exp/default.yaml.

$ python train.py ${PATH_TO_YOUR_CONFIG}

Show loss curve

With the default configuration, the training logs are stored in exp/default/history.csv. You should specify your training logs accordingly.

$ python show_history.py exp/default/history.csv


During training, the program will keep monitoring the error rate on development set. The checkpoint with the lowest error rate will be saved in the logging directory (by default exp/default/best.pth).

To evalutate the checkpoint on test set (with a beam width of 5), run:

$ python eval.py exp/default/best.pth --beams 5

Or you can test random audio from the test set and see the attentions:

$ python inference.py exp/default/best.pth --beams 5

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锂 电 池 市 场 也 在 向 好


  • [x] Beam Search
  • [x] Restore checkpoint and resume previous training
  • [x] SpecAugment
  • [ ] LM Rescoring
  • [ ] Label Smoothing
  • [ ] Polyak Averaging


[1] W. Chan et al., "Listen, Attend and Spell", https://arxiv.org/abs/1508.01211

[2] J. Chorowski et al., "Attention-Based Models for Speech Recognition", https://arxiv.org/abs/1506.07503

[3] M. Luong et al., "Effective Approaches to Attention-based Neural Machine Translation", https://arxiv.org/abs/1508.04025

[4] D. Park et al., "SpecAugment: A Simple Data Augmentation Method for Automatic Speech Recognition", https://arxiv.org/abs/1904.08779