alpine-elixir icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
alpine-elixir copied to clipboard

version 1.12.2 not building any more.

Open restlessronin opened this issue 1 year ago • 2 comments

The following DockerFile is no longer building on several machines.

It fails on theRUN command following the # Install NPM comment with the error

#13 18.22 ERROR: UNTRUSTED signature

Bumping docker image version to 1.13.4 fixes the problem.

From my sparse understanding of Alpine and Docker, it appears that some dependencies have likely been shuffled between repos, but I don't know enough to fix this problem without spending more time than I have.

Is there a simple fix, or do you recommend going with 1.13.x

FROM bitwalker/alpine-elixir:1.12.2 AS phx-builder
RUN mix local.hex --force && mix local.rebar --force

# Important!  Update this no-op ENV variable when this Dockerfile
# is updated with the current date. It will force refresh of all
# of the base images and things like `apt-get update` won't be using
# old cached versions when the Dockerfile is built.

# Install NPM
    mkdir -p /opt/app && \
    chmod -R 777 /opt/app && \
    apk update && \
    apk --no-cache --update add \
      make \
      g++ \
      wget \
      curl \
      inotify-tools \
      nodejs \
      npm && \
    npm install npm -g --no-progress && \
    update-ca-certificates --fresh && \
    rm -rf /var/cache/apk/*

# Add local node module binaries to PATH
ENV PATH=./node_modules/.bin:$PATH

# Ensure latest versions of Hex/Rebar are installed on build
ONBUILD RUN mix do local.hex --force, local.rebar --force
WORKDIR /opt/app


# Cache elixir deps
ADD mix.exs mix.lock ./
RUN mix do deps.get, deps.compile

# Same with npm deps
ADD assets/package.json assets/
RUN cd assets && \
    npm install

ADD . .

# Run frontend build, compile, and digest assets
RUN mix do compile, assets.deploy && \
    mix release --force

FROM alpine:3.13.5

ENV PORT=4000 MIX_ENV=prod

    HOME=/opt/app/ \
    # Set this so that CTRL+G works properly
    TERM=xterm \

RUN apk add --no-cache libstdc++    

    # Create default user and home directory, set owner to default
    adduser -s /bin/sh -u 1001 -G root -h "${HOME}" -S -D default && \
    chown -R 1001:0 "${HOME}" && \
    # Add tagged repos as well as the edge repo so that we can selectively install edge packages
    echo "@main" >> /etc/apk/repositories && \
    echo "@community" >> /etc/apk/repositories && \
    echo "@edge" >> /etc/apk/repositories && \
    # Upgrade Alpine and base packages
    apk --no-cache --update --available upgrade && \
    # Install bash and Erlang/OTP deps
    apk add --no-cache --update pcre@edge && \
    apk add --no-cache --update \
      imagemagick \
      bash \
      ca-certificates \
      openssl \
      ncurses \
      unixodbc \
      zlib && \
    # Update ca certificates
    update-ca-certificates --fresh     

COPY --from=phx-builder /opt/app/_build/prod/rel/pay .

COPY --from=phx-builder /opt/app/priv/fonts/* /usr/share/fonts/

CMD cd /opt/app && pay eval "Pay.Release.migrate()" && pay start

restlessronin avatar Jul 20 '22 04:07 restlessronin

Alpine signing keys were rotated:

bitwalker has mentioned redirecting folks to official elixir images:

bmitchinson avatar Jul 20 '22 15:07 bmitchinson

thank you @bmitchinson. it worked for me.

we've been using the official images for dev for a while. I don't normally look at the production images, so i'm not entirely sure why we haven't switched those. possibly because the bitwalker images are set up for easy multi stage builds. or could just be the natural disinclination to perturb working production environments.

restlessronin avatar Jul 20 '22 16:07 restlessronin