Just to confirm: It's the year 2021 and we have to manually add tags to EBS volumes mounted on to EC2 instances launched from EKS manually? Like using that bash...
oh I ain't letting this die just out of spite now
You know how we have a `publicAccessCIDRs` list of IP's to allow access to the API? Why not a `privateAccessCIDRs` option that adds private IP's to the SG in question...
Just want to say that if this feature means I can stop gitops'ing `eksctl` with bash scripts, this would be such a win. /going back into my hole now
Things have improved in this area. We use eksctl in Production just fine. I mean, how often are you changing EKS control plane configuration? Like never. Node groups are the...
Private registry push reports "blob upload unknown" in client even though data gets pushed correctly
@AndreaGiardini thank you! This was the fix for me as well going from an F5 which terminates SSL for the client, on to nginx via http and then the docker...
it got merged but doesn't look like a new build happened
I think you're confusing `eksctl` with `terraform`
Just want to document how I got it working in 2022. The steps above are correct but there's a couple other things to note 1. Azure Active Directory --> `App...