
Results 83 issues of bitsofinfo

I have a properly functioning serverless SQS queue subscribing to an SNS topic in AWS.... but when I run in offline mode w/ this plugin + the serverless-offline-sns plugin I...

Unfortunately this plugin now has me confused and raises a larger issue. Maybe I'm mis-understanding what functionality this plugin is supposed to provide. My impression was that this plugin provided...

Using serverless 0.70.0 and the latest serverless-layers plugin error: ``` Serverless: [ LayersPlugin ]: => default Error --------------------------------------------------- Error: Please, you should specify "deploymentBucket" or "layersDeploymentBucket" option for this plugin!...

Would be great to be able customize the response the _EventListener_ returns to invokers. Currently it always returns JSON like this: ``` {"eventListener":"my-listener-v1","namespace":"tekton-pipelines","eventID":"hg6ps"} ``` **Use case** When integrating w/ interactive...


Dashboard should show TaskRun sidecars + their logs


Using latest version: PipelineRuns, when I click on a PipelineRun, i see its taskruns + their params and results.... but I don't see the params or results for the PipelineRun...


Is there a roadmap for swarm? Some of us out here using swarm are starting to get concerned about Docker's future plans for swarm given all the focus from Docker...

I'm generating a list of additional values files for a release driven by some other dynamic configuration. I'd like to be able to detect existence of those files prior to...

version: 2.1.0 ``` Your Environment Information --------------------------- Operating System: darwin Node Version: 14.17.0 Framework Version: 2.44.0 Plugin Version: 5.2.0 SDK Version: 4.2.3 Components Version: 3.11.0 ``` in the root of...

``` 10:02 $ serverless -v Framework Core: 2.44.0 Plugin: 5.2.0 SDK: 4.2.3 Components: 3.11.0 ``` ``` serverless create -t azure-python -p test1 cd test1 npm install ``` ``` serverless offline...