maybe provide a deployment-legacy.yaml for old namespace...
user can clone the git repo, and manually change `https://github.com/goharbor/harbor-operator/blob/704cd7a5a85efc57eacc503d7c6fc931efdcd8a1/manifests/cluster/kustomization.yaml#L5` locally then use `kubectl apply -k ~/harbor-operator/manifests/cluster` to install harbor-operator, then install harbor. or use `kustomize build manifests/cluster > deployment.yaml`...
the crd of v1.1.x and v1.0.x are quite different, so you have to install CRD
@Ghostbaby please check if underlining postgres-operator and redis-operator support this param
support for postgres-operator need more work, need update configmap
Hi, not quite understand what does `SS` stands for? And what do you mean `support pod placement`? Do you mean also add affinity setting for minio?
there is no pull secret settings in postgres crd, only can set the image reference pkg/cluster/controllers/database/api/postgresql_type.go:24 https://github.com/zalando/postgres-operator/blob/0745ce7cce63ab6431103d27eb08e54ec47d2b15/pkg/apis/acid.zalan.do/v1/postgresql_type.go#L37
ok, we will check the doc, it seems lost some environment.
you can also use `make create-environment` to startup a dev env
currently `make run` can't started, because webhook is not accessible from cluster to your own machine which running go code