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Widgets for blockchain data visualizations
Blockchain Visualization Widgets
Library of visual components to build data visualization interface to the blockchain data. Universal tool across all major blockchains ( ethereum, tron, bitcoin, zcash, many more...).
TLDR; Try https://explorer.bitquery.io which is open sourced and completely built using widgets. Javascript programmers may start with JSFiddle examples.
Every widget is a reusable visualization component to display the data from blockchain. Typically every widget is displaying a result set from GraphQL request.
To start with, look our wiki. You do not need programming skills to use and embed widgets, most tasks can be done by examples. To use specialized filtering and data querying you will need basic understanding of GraphQL language.
Clone this repo to your desktop and run
npm install
to install all the dependencies.
For widget developers
npm init -y
npm install webpack webpack-cli --save-dev
npm install --save graphql apollo-boost vue vue-i18n vue-google-charts vue-loader vue-template-compiler vue-template-loader lodash
npm install --save-dev sass-loader node-sass style-loader css-loader file-loader
npm install --save vis numeral
npm install --save react react-dom isomorphic-fetch graphiql
npm install --save-dev extract-text-webpack-plugin@next
npm install
run webpack
run webpack autocompile for dev
node_modules/.bin/webpack --watch
You can check out the full license here
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.
The project is developing with the Binance fellowship program support.