holler icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
holler copied to clipboard

Holler sends desktop push notifications from the command line.

Holler logo

Holler sends desktop push notifications from the command line using WebSockets.

npm version


  1. Install the package.

    $ npm i @bitpshr.net/holler -D
  2. Create a HollerServer using an existing Node HTTP server.

    const http = require('http');
    const HollerServer = require('@bitpshr.net/holler/server');
    const server = http.createServer().listen(1337);
    new HollerServer(server);
  3. Include the client script as an ES6 module or as a script tag and create a new Holler Client.

    import HollerClient from '@bitpshr.net/holler/client';
    new HollerClient('ws://localhost:1337');
    <script src="node_modules/@bitpshr.net/holler/client.js"></script>
    <script>new HollerClient('ws://localhost:1337');</script>
  4. Send JavaScript push notifications using the holler CLI.

    $ holler --url="ws://localhost:1337" --title="Hello" --body="Hello, world"

    See all available CLI commands via holler --help.


Holler demo
