+1 for wanting clicking feature. Sometimes it's just faster, especially when your mouse pointer already happens to be near your target window.
I didn't even know the default can drop files. Now I'm sad.
> may i suggest avoiding "whitelist" and "blacklist" here? the "polarity" of these is anything but intuitive in this particular context. "never suspend list" and "always suspend list" are descriptive...
> @Teln0 it is the same, i'm finishing the base of NectarJS, then, we will be able to add any module and platforms (libuv, node modules ...) So basically, you...
#MeToo . Calling CNN
"The function time.clock() has been removed, after having been deprecated since Python 3.3: use time.perf_counter() or time.process_time() instead, depending on your requirements, to have well-defined behavior. (Contributed by Matthias Bussonnier...
> require('@parcel/logger/src/Logger'); submit a PR?
> Sorry for the delay @nloveladyallen, I was away getting married :) (there is an excuse I can hopefully only use once). I haven't gotten to this yet, and this...
We were talking about this over in the gundb gitter. In theory, an adapter could be made to work with webrtc. Will I be the one to make that happen?...