agensgraph copied to clipboard
Windows installer fails
Hi, I have so far tested with the linux but wanted to try the windows version now. The installer of version 1.3.1 fails with a Dialog showing
There has been an error.
Error with configuration of permissions. Please see log file for more information
But the installer did not create a log file at any obvious location. The installer was run with admin rights on Windows 7 SP1 64Bit
I had no luck with any of the cli options and would appreciate any help.
We tested in the same environment(Windows 7 SP1 64Bit), installing Agensgraph on the "Desktop" location fails with error.
Please let me know where you installed Agensgraph and test the installing in a different path.
I have tested different locations (assuming that the --prefix option is the right way) and even tried to move the installer. Locations I have tried are c:\mylocal\agensgraph c:\agensgraph
I started the installer from my Download directory and from a tmp directory.
Is there a chance you could provide something like a portable zip if the installer continues to fail on my machine?
Upload the portable zip file to the path, please check the installation.
1. File download
2. Environment variable setting set AGHOME=D:\AgensGraph set AGDATA=D:\AgensGraph\agdata set PATH=%AGHOME%\bin;%PATH%
v check echo %AGHOME% echo %AGDATA% echo %PATH%
3. Creating a database cluster initdb [-D /path/to/make/db_cluster] ex) initdb -D "D:\AgensGraph\agdata" --encoding UTF8
4. Starting the server ag_ctl start [-D /path/created/by/initdb] ex) ag_ctl -D "D:\AgensGraph\agdata" -l logfile start
5. Creating a database createdb [dbname] ex) createdb agens
6. execute the interactive termianl agens [dbname] ex) agens agens
Tested and it works perfect! Many thanks for the fast solution.