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Bitnami's jsonnet library for building Kubernetes manifests

Results 16 kube-libsonnet issues
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# Description This PR removes the `replicas: 1` inside the Deployment object. # Motivation For Horizontal Pod Autoscaler to work properly with gitops systems such as ArgoCD, FluxCD, Deployment objects...

There sometimes is a justified use for setting replicas to 0, and I don't really see any technical reasoning for this assert.

seems like having an empty curly brackets is breaking the styling in IDEs like IntelliJ (haven't tested in VS Code) I get this error message: ``` , JsonnetTokenType.DOT, JsonnetTokenType.IN, JsonnetTokenType.L_BRACKET,...

Hi. Great repo! Many thanks. We noticed that using $() in env does not work 100% since this is order dependent, see link here. Our solution atm is to prefix...

I've used this library extensively at my current and previous gigs and can't thank you all enough for the work! We currently have our own private fork with a handful...

It looks like the guestbook example is broken when using the kube-libsonnet at head. It looks like the breakage occurred in early April of last year. The issue appears to...

Currently, `Deployment`'s `selector` is populated based on `deployment.spec.template.metadata.labels`, which itself comes from the `deployment.metadata.labels`. This works fine as long as the `deployment.metadata.labels` are not modified between two deployments. In the...

https://github.com/bitnami-labs/kube-libsonnet/blob/master/kube.libsonnet#L448 Since it's not easy to _remove_ fields from a jsonnet obj (https://github.com/google/jsonnet/issues/312), and there's different behavior between: ``` replicas: null ``` and when the `replicas` field is missing. In...

I have an overlay library that sets defaults and adds various parameters to the base functions in this library such as: ``` local k = (import 'github.com/bitnami-labs/kube-libsonnet/kube.libsonnet'); k { Role(name,...

The helper function in the container struct onyl supports args in the form `--arg=val ` things like ``` -arg=1 -arg 1 --arg 1 ``` are common usages of args, and...