oauth2_proxy copied to clipboard
Added OIDC support for UserInfo Endpoint Email Verification
Current OIDC implementation asserts that user email check must come from JWT token claims. OIDC specification also allows for source of user email to be fetched from userinfo profile endpoint. http://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-core-1_0.html#UserInfo
Modified current code to search for email in JWT token claims first, and then fall back to requesting email from userinfo endpoint.
Hi @jehiah @ericchiang,
I noticed that the two of you were responsible for adding the most recent OIDC provider. I was hoping for feedback on this patch which was required to make the OIDC provider work for me. I'm new to OIDC/oauth, so feedback is appreciated.
Thanks! -dave
Adding this comment hidden by code updates...
I think the OIDC spec allows for email to be returned in either JWT claims OR the UserInfo endpoint. The code changes involving the UserInfo endpoint follow the same pattern as the LinkedIn, Gitlab, and Azure providers. It first searches JWT token for the email. If it cannot find it in the JWT token, it falls back to searching the UserInfo endpoint.
Hi All,
I'd still like to get this pull request in. I've made the changes that @ericchiang had requested. Sorry it took a few months.
This PR has been rebased on the latest code.
Hi @jehiah @ericchiang,
Would you mind having a look to review?
Thanks! -dave
@ericchiang I made the changes you've requested. Would you mind reviewing?
Hello @jehiah @ericchiang, Can this please be merged and released?
This does resolve my issue: https://github.com/bitly/oauth2_proxy/issues/615
Hi @jehiah @mbland @ploxiln,
Would any of you mind reviewing this pull request and potentially merging it? A few people have used this patch successfully. My teams have been using it in multiple deployments successfully for several months now. We'd love to get rid of our fork.
@mbland and I do not have permissions to merge in this repo, sorry