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Manual ticking makes the Debugger behave weirdly
Godot version: 4.3.beta2
Describe the bug When using a manual ticker the Debugger doesn't go all the way to the leaves
To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Set the BehaviorTree to process mode Disabled
- Add a manual ticker along the lines of
extends Node
signal tick
func _ready():
func _tick():
await get_tree().create_timer(1).timeout
- Have a Behavior Tree manually ticked by connecting to the tick signal
extends BeehaveTree
func _ready():
ManualTicker.connect("tick", _on_tick)
func _on_tick():
- Run the scene and open the debugger
Expected behavior The Debugger should work as intended and go through all the branches and leaves
How it's supposed to be Physics ticker (setting the process mode to inherit)
How it is Manual ticker
Desktop (please complete the following information):
- OS: Window 10