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BSQ balance after swap doesn't reconcile properly
After executing a BSQ Swap (I buy BSQ, sell BTC) on a daemon with a clean transaction history, the BSQ balance doesn't add up to the purchased BSQ.
1.9.4 daemon + cli
Steps to reproduce
is an alias for java -jar cli.jar --password=mypassword
I checked available offers with bisq_cli getoffers --direction=BUY --currency-code=BSQ
. I decided to pick the following one:
Buy/Sell Price in BTC for 1 BSQ BTC(min - max) BSQ(min - max) Payment Method Creation Date (UTC) ID
Sell BSQ (Buy BTC) 0.00004680 0.00060000 12.82 BSQ Swap 2022-07-20T20:49:31Z PJNjEX-0461e540-c6ed-49f7-b1f7-8584f8aefb69-192
Took it successfully. I'm paying the trade fee with BTC since I have no BSQ:
bisq_cli takeoffer --offer-id=PJNjEX-0461e540-c6ed-49f7-b1f7-8584f8aefb69-192 --fee-currency=BTC
trade PJNjEX-0461e540-c6ed-49f7-b1f7-8584f8aefb69-192 successfully taken
After the trade is finished, I go and check my BSQ balance
bisq_cli getbalance --currency-code=bsq
Available Confirmed Balance Unverified Balance Unconfirmed Change Balance Locked For Voting Balance Lockup Bonds Balance Unlocking Bonds Balance
12.74 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00
And here is the surprise. If I took a trade to buy 12.82, why do I only have 12.74?
Note that this is the only trade this wallet has executed.
Expected behaviour
Obtaining 12.82 BSQ after the trade.
Actual behaviour
Obtaining 12.74 BSQ after the trade.
Device or machine
Debian 11 on a VPS.
Additional info
Trading fees are paid from the BSQ purchase.
Current taker fees are 126.02 BSQ per BTC traded.
0.0006 * 126.02 = 0.08 BSQ
In the GUI the fee is shown before committing to the trade.
Thanks for your comment. I still don't fully understand how this works:
- I had 0 BSQ when I took the offer. Who can the trading fee of a BSQ swap be paid with BSQ that is still not in my possession?
- I specified
in thetakeoffer
method. Isn't this supposed to specify that I want to pay the trading fee with BTC?
What @jmacxx said is right. Your BSQ balance is correct. 0.08 BSQ was deducted from your BSQ payout for the trade fee.
This issue flushed out an API bug: showing an incorrect trade fee of 0.00 BSQ in API clients for the BSQ buyer side (yours). Instead of showing you 0.00 BSQ in the Trade Fee column of the
console output, it should have displayed 0.08 BSQ. Fixed in new PR -
It also flushed out a documentation problem, and a
request param validation problem -- misleading you into trying the--fee-currency=BTC
param in yourtakeoffer
request. That request param is ignored for BSQ swaps -- BSQ swap trade fees are always paid in BSQ.
Fixed in new PR
Documented now in the API reference's takeoffer request doc. And documented in the CLI's takeoffer man-page. (If/when 6356 is merged, this change will be deleted with its branch, but available in the master branch.)
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