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Include deviation from market price in Market section in Bisq
The entire section of the Bisq market section (with the exception of the make/take offer screens) does one of the following:
- Does not display deviation from market price
- Shows market price but combines it with trade price
It would be a lot more useful for traders if the all the Bisq market section does the following:
- Shows market price as a separate value
This would make it a lot easier to look at historical trades and see what deviation from market price they were made at (Market > Trades)
I also think by keeping market price as a separate value in Market > Offer Book > Buy / Sell BTC it would make the offers more clear.
Steps to reproduce
- Go to
Market > Trades
look at prices what price from market deviation was achieved? You will be unable to tell. - Go to
Market > Trades
then Download a CSV, look at prices what price from market deviation was achieved? You will be unable to tell. - Go to
Market > Offer Book > Buy BTC
price from market deviation is included after the trade price (not as clear as it could be) - Go to
Market > Offer Book > Sell BTC
price from market deviation is included after the trade price (not as clear as it could be)
Expected behaviour
- Go to
Market > Trades
look at prices what price from market deviation was achieved? You will be able to tell and sort by deviation. - Go to
Market > Trades
then Download a CSV, look at prices what price from market deviation was achieved? You will be able to tell and sort by deviation. - Go to
Market > Offer Book > Buy BTC
price from market deviation is included in a separate column. - Go to
Market > Offer Book > Sell BTC
price from market deviation is included in a separate column.
Current Screenshots
Deviation from market price info combine with trade price. Not as clear for users.
Missing deviation from market price info.
Example of current CSV file
market price 3 - Copy.txt Missing deviation from market price info.
Hi are there any @bisq-network/bisq-devs able to take this on. Would tie in well with
I can work on this. Can you add further screenshots complimenting the ones above. They should show what you expect
it to look like.
@wallclockbuilder yes no problems, I will upload next week
Hi @wallclockbuilder here are the screenshots showing how I would expect it to look:
Trades deviation
Offer deviations
Pretty straightforward.
Hi @wallclockbuilder how are you progressing with this issue?
Hi @xyzmaker123 let me know if you would like to work on this issue.
@pazza83 Regarding trades deviation - I'm not sure if it's possible to calculate it. I suppose it should be deviation based on market price in the moment of trade - not based on the current price. Unfortunately I don't think we store somewhere historical prices.
Hi @xyzmaker123 the deviation is the markup (positive or negative the maker chose if choosing to trade on a percentage basis)
@pazza83 Yeah - I understand. But let's consider this scenario:
Transaction A was made in Apr 2, 2021. Market price was 60 000, and there was transaction with price 65 000 - so deviation was +8%
Today it's Oct 2, 2021. Market price is 48 000 USD/BTC. We want to display deviation of transaction A on list. I suppose +8% should be displayed, not 35% (based on current price).
Question: is it possible to know what was average market price in Apr 2, 2021 today?