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Keep an eye on repo size
As of 2013-01-03, the HackerNews repo is 7.78 MB and HoloTheme is 2.55 MB. If they much bigger (say over 15 MB total) it's probably time to clean them up with something like this script.
I've got a fear that our brief inclusion of the libs jars is the culprit here. We should look into removing them for good.
Yeah, I know -- my bad. Although I added all the jars to the current v2 just to make the setup process easier. I'm not too concerned about it right now (it's still a pretty small repo). Basically I'm just opening this up so we remember to go back and clear out all the libs (from v2 and the ones I accidentally added on v3) after v3 is ready for release.
Actually, I take that back; it doesn't seem like the jars are the biggest culprits. It seems like the combination of .ai files and fonts contributes most of the weight. We definitely want to clean out the design folder after we solidify v3's look and feel.
The real problem is that even though we remove them from the repo, they'll still be in the history, and contribute to the weight of it all. I'm not exactly sure what the best way of ridding ourselves of them would be... maybe starting a fresh repo HackerNews3
once we get to a stable release state?
ARPANET-QUAD:HackerNews3 [v3-redesign] pkillian$ big-git-files v3-redesign
0.1M assets/fonts/Roboto-Light.ttf (2457525: 11 months ago)
0.1M assets/fonts/Roboto-LightItalic.ttf (2457525: 11 months ago)
0.1M assets/fonts/Roboto-Thin.ttf (2457525: 11 months ago)
0.1M assets/fonts/Roboto-ThinItalic.ttf (2457525: 11 months ago)
0.1M assets/fonts/RobotoCondensed-Bold.ttf (2457525: 11 months ago)
0.1M assets/fonts/RobotoCondensed-BoldItalic.ttf (2457525: 11 months ago)
0.1M assets/fonts/RobotoCondensed-Italic.ttf (2457525: 11 months ago)
0.1M assets/fonts/RobotoCondensed-Regular.ttf (2457525: 11 months ago)
0.1M design/action-bar-icons.ai (9048a83: 5 weeks ago)
0.2M design/hacker-news-icon-v3.ai (9048a83: 5 weeks ago)
0.1M design/assets/ic_action_article.ai (5fef1c5: 3 days ago)
0.1M design/assets/ic_action_comments.ai (5fef1c5: 3 days ago)
0.1M design/assets/ic_action_drawer.ai (f79337c: 8 days ago)
0.1M design/assets/ic_action_search.ai (f79337c: 8 days ago)
0.1M design/assets/ic_action_spinner.ai (f79337c: 8 days ago)
0.1M design/assets/ic_action_text_settings.ai (f79337c: 8 days ago)
0.1M design/assets/ic_action_up.ai (f79337c: 8 days ago)
0.1M design/assets/ic_logo.ai (f79337c: 8 days ago)
0.1M design/assets/ic_navigation_up.ai (f79337c: 8 days ago)
0.2M design/assets/ic_texsettings_night_normal.ai (5fef1c5: 3 days ago)
0.2M design/assets/ic_textsettings_day_checked.ai (5fef1c5: 3 days ago)
0.2M design/assets/ic_textsettings_day_normal.ai (5fef1c5: 3 days ago)
0.1M design/assets/ic_textsettings_fontsize.ai (5fef1c5: 3 days ago)
0.1M design/assets/ic_textsettings_minus.ai (5fef1c5: 3 days ago)
0.1M design/assets/ic_textsettings_night.ai (5fef1c5: 3 days ago)
0.2M design/assets/ic_textsettings_night_checked.ai (5fef1c5: 3 days ago)
0.2M design/assets/ic_textsettings_night_normal.ai (5fef1c5: 3 days ago)
0.1M design/assets/ic_textsettings_plus.ai (5fef1c5: 3 days ago)
0.1M design/assets/ic_textsettings_sizelabel.ai (5fef1c5: 3 days ago)
0.4M design/screens/front-page.ai (5fef1c5: 3 days ago)
0.1M libs/test-libs/hamcrest-library-1.1.jar (5fef1c5: 3 days ago)
0.1M res/drawable-xhdpi/bg_dark_precomp.png (2457525: 11 months ago)
0.1M res/drawable-xhdpi/bg_light_precomp.png (2457525: 11 months ago)
0.6M libs/android-support-v4.jar (5fef1c5: 3 days ago)
0.2M libs/crashlytics.jar (5fef1c5: 3 days ago)
0.2M libs/gson-2.2.4.jar (5fef1c5: 3 days ago)
0.3M libs/jsoup-1.7.3.jar (5fef1c5: 3 days ago)
0.4M design/screens/front-page.ai (f79337c: 8 days ago)
0.7M design/front-page.ai (6f8ff8e: 5 weeks ago)
0.7M design/front-page.ai (9048a83: 5 weeks ago)
We may be better off splitting the design folder into its own repo. Since the design files don't get deployed, it would probably be best to have a heavy repo just full of .ai files instead of combining the two. Then we could safely remove the ai's from the HN repo's history and cut down on size.
I've used http://rtyley.github.io/bfg-repo-cleaner/ successfully to clean a big ZIP file that shouldn't have been there in the first place. Flawless experience.