Biroj Nayak
Biroj Nayak
@mconnew find my answers on some questions.. Do we need a mechanism to reject a message and/or place them in a dead letter queue? E.g. message Action was unrecognized so...
@Ximik87 I am not sure whether you have started.. let me know else I will working on a design doc starting next week
@Ximik87 please refer this and specifically the design sample kept at for reference. Everyone I would appreciate if folks can review the design doc and provide comments.
@Kralizek the new mechanism we are designing around queuing would enable for all queue in Azure, AWS and others... bdw you read my mind 👍 ...
> @birojnayak Thank you! i'm begined implement similar code (detail [here](, will try combine your design code and my implementation. I plan to do PR by the end of July...
@jonlouie thank you for your first contribution :)
@mconnew thanks .. once checked in I can run locally.. thanks @v-joesun
@stnkblsm we will take care of throttling once it's implemented in ASP.NET Core (as discussed with @mconnew )... and this PR would take care the other part. Let me...
@jonlouie assigned to you
We are doing something similar for Web services which are still using SOAP ([HTML Design]( and [open source PR]( , this would enable any queue transport (SQS, Amazon MQ, Rabbit...