gatsby-source-prismic-graphql copied to clipboard
[Solution] Prevent preview script from being downloaded if not needed
I thought id just drop this here as a solution for those who need and as inspiration for the plugin author. It basically injects a script that will check if it has the expected value's to load the preview script.
// inside gatsby-ssr.js
import React from 'react';
const injectPrismaScriptHtml = `
var isPreviewPage = window.location.pathname.split('/').indexOf('preview') >= 0;
var hasPrismicCookie = document.cookie.indexOf('prismic.preview') >= 0;
if (isPreviewPage || hasPrismicCookie) {
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.src = '//';
script.type = 'text/javascript';
export const onRenderBody = ({ setPostBodyComponents }) => {
// eslint-disable-next-line react/no-danger
__html: injectPrismaScriptHtml,